Sep 01, 2004 14:05
the just wasnt the words to tell you to fall off a gazebo
so i didnt
and i wont
and i dont know if i ever will
lets eat ice cream
Jul 31, 2004 00:55
I'm wasting my time
Far as I can see
You wont be here
You wont find me
this whole thing of me
being beside myself for you
isnt apetizing anymore
May 28, 2004 05:00
what manner of dragon eggs
on a full moon cow hill
so skilled in the art
of anceint druid magic stuff
and loosing the demons TO KILL
May 12, 2004 12:59
and i hope that you
are saying to yourself
"next time... next time i'll kiss her."
and i hope that next time
your lips fall off onto my new shoes.
Apr 22, 2004 09:41
the most evilest
most cruelest
most conivingest
most cunningest
most cleverest
most funniest
most cutest
most wonderful
except the night wolf in the moonlight
on acres of scottish farmland
Apr 05, 2004 01:27
she she she gets all the boys...
and me..
i get all the jokes.
life is far too funny.
and you know
i cant stop laughing
Apr 03, 2004 00:36
are we merely echoes of our former [space ships]?
who bled out our welcome- [and left teams on planets]?
(we were always too clever for our own good)
so lets do... IT.
Mar 18, 2004 12:00
on the night i thought i needed someone
i looked around and no one was there
now tell me... what does that mean?
[it means parabollas are hungry.
they are never satisfied]
Mar 16, 2004 23:43
i have a headache that could out-pound carmen electra.
jigga who?