First, what does meme mean anyway? D: I can't figure it out...
And second, some stuff kinda happened over the past couple've days and I don't want to be all RANT MODE again so I'm doing a meme unstead of a daily post. O: I hope no one feels the need to kick me in the crotch for this. xD
Seven things that scare you:
1. Spiders (don't laugh D: I'm serious)
2. My cooking
3. Losing loved ones
4. Failure
5. Blood
6. Crying girls
7. Power Rangers (well, they scared the hell out of me when I was a kid anyway xD)
Seven things you like the most:
1. My family (friends / online friends are included in that O: )
2. My pets
3. Shiny things
4. Good books
5. Fooooood :D
6. Anime / Manga
7. Annoying people. :D
Seven important things in your room:
1. My ...bed?
2. The window? :D
3. Air! O: Air's pretty important.
4. Bookshelf / Books
5. My closet full of clothes? Cause you know, no one wants me running around nakki. xD
6. La TV
7. The walls / door / ceiling / floor :D
Seven random facts about you:
1. I have a bad memory for the most part :D And then on some days I can remember so much it's scary.
2. I have trouble saying no to people. xD
3. I freak people out a lot. :D I don't even have to try anymore.
4. I used to want to drive a race car when I was maybe 12. xD Fun times.
5. I kinda wonder how bad it'd hurt to break my nose... D: Is that weird?
6. I like cheesy stuff. Well, sappy cheesy and grilledcheese kinda cheesy that is. xD Both. Yup.
7. I had a dream the day before yesterday or so that my birth father hunted me down and was like "OH HAI, YOU'RE LIKE NUMBUER 6693458.2 OF MY DEMON SPAWN. >:D Come join my army. We provide grilledcheese sammiches at every non-human-soul-eating meal time. :D" and I was like "... :D .2, huh? ...*runs off flailing arms*"
Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. Eat my weight in M&Ms
2. Maybe write a book or a movie script O:
3. Work at a school
4. Learn how to play more than the chopsticks on the piano xD
5. Own a bookstore :D
6. Bake a pie
7. Find my Bella
Seven goals that are more short-term:
1. Don't get fired :D
2. Get another job
3. Figure out my freaking girl problems
4. Eat dinner :D (I forgot. I know. I fail. :D)
5. Get a haircut (still haven't done that yet xDDD)
6. Clean the catbox xD
7. Start the DISHWASHER. O:
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1. This is silly xD
2. Cause anything could be attracting really O:
3. Inside, outside...
4. And there's only seven spaces! D:
5. So um...
6. Y'know...
7. I'm not that picky I guess. xD
Seven things you say the most:
1. Whuuut?
3. OMFG.
4. :D / xD
5. I didn't do it! D: I swear!
6. Uhhh >_>
7. Skadoosh!
...the end. :D