Title: The List
Pairing: Jenna Fitch, Emily/Naomi
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: None of the Skins characters belong to me; I’m just borrowing them for a bit.
Summary: By the time the sun has begun to rise and illuminate the room with trickles of light, Jenna Fitch has created a mental list of reasons why she should and most importantly must
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Comments 32
Oh, Jenna. Jenna. I just loved her list of Reasons to Hate Naomi Campbell and how we got to see Emily and Naomi interact through her eyes and she finally got, albeit grudgingly, that Naomi really did in fact make Emily happy and was just exactly what she wanted. It's the softer side of Jenna! Aw.
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Thanks, I'm glad you liked this :) I always felt that they should have explored Jenna's relationship with Emily more. There were a lot of issues that they left untouched and that would have made interesting viewing.
Massive ♥ to you!
How are you? It's been so long.
Haven't had a chance to read this yet, but I will do soon :)
Just wanted to say hi!
♥ ♥ ♥
I'm good thanks. Been away from fandom for far too long! I feel like I've missed loads and need to catch up ASAP.
How are you? Hope life's treating you well, dude.
Massive ♥ to you!
And NE are so effing adorable, I can't even ♥
Glad to see you writing again, I've missed it :)
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(I hope to see something new from you soon? I adore your writing!)
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