So after going through hell to try and figure out my pattern. I broke down and decided I'd try to learn from what the lovely people at your waredrobe unlocked have to say. I must say looking at it from here it looks like I have a lot to learn (which I already knew
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Comments 8
I started working on my own with an underbust tutorial as a basis for what I was wanting to do, but still way off. I'd heard a ton of good stuff about YWU so I decided to try it for a month and see. So hopefully their drafting tutorial works for me.
Vogue Fabrics in Evanston now stocks corset supplies - busks and tipped spiral bones. Their prices are high but they are nearby and can save you shipping time. Purple line Main Street stop.
I get my grommets (I use O size but they also have OO size) from Fastener Supply Company online. They only have brass ones but the prices are faboo!
Another source is Altanta Thread and Supply. They stock brass and nickel-plate ones as well as a really good heavy steel tool-and-die set with cutting tool that is incredibly durable. I perform at Renfaires mostly and have had the same tool and die for nearly 20 years now, though I did replace the cutting tool twice.
Also, CostumeCon next spring is just up in Milwaukee and is probably worth a visit.
CostumeCon would be awesome.
*enjoys a good adventure*
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