There's a movie theatre in Charlottesville which is ONLY playing Star Trek. Star Trek: Digital and Star Trek: Non Digital.
I'm really amused.
I'm also going to go abuse my brain with Angels and Demons. I read that book while I was in Rome, and I'd really love the good memories I have of my Rome semester trampled on.
I know it's summer because I've stopped sleeping with blankets on. It's not that it's that hot, yet, but in the evenings it just gets unbearably warm in the apartment. Well, not unbearably, but it certainly feels better to be sleeping without a blanket. The only downside is that it's cold in the mornings, so I wake up chilly. Later in the
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So I took my Greek quiz, after much hemming and hawing. Hawwing? Anyhow, I came out from the office where I was taking the quiz and I smelled something burning, so, like you do, I poked my head into the TA office to laugh at whoever had burnt something in the microwave. They let me know that there was a fire down on JPA. I go to class. Yikes
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Do I ever feel unprepared for this. More remarkable is how little I mind. Still waiting for the moment of panic. Until then, one of my recent favorite poems
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After a momentary bout of euphoria in the wake of today's exam, by brain has crashed. I tried to talk intelligently about Lucretius today. Hell, I tried to talk intelligently about whether I was sitting down or standing up today, and failed. No wonder nobody ever passes all four exams. Three and my mind is a puddle of goo. And I had stuff I
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Travel plans keep getting pushed back and back. I was leaving yesterday morning, no, yesterday evening, no, this morning, wait, no, waiting on word whether it'll be tonight or tomorrow morning. Guess which I'm thinking
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