I'm applying to be a mentor to a new nursing mother over at
adopt_a_mom . I meant to do this SO long ago, but things happened, I got really busy, I lost my story, etc. But now, I've been reminded, and I want to try again.
short version of our breastfeeding journey )
Comments 14
We added journals well after our kids were itty bitty
and I can't even say I knew you nursed them and can say
I didn't know you tandem nursed.
It's one of the things that keeps my baby fever raging.
I LOVED nursing. Even when there were days I wanted to
cut my breast off and just hand it to Z - I loved it.
I caught myself laughing too loudly when you mentioned
Luna laughing at Solstice during snack time.
What wonderful memories.
Thank you for sharing.
I'm sure there will be many nursing stories ahead :)
At the time, I was really ready for her to be done.
Completely touched out and just d.o.n.e.
After the fact, I wish I could have just relaxed a little bit.
I always thought there would be another kid later on
and now that it looks like there won't be -
I do wish I could say I nursed her until SHE was done.
great job and enjoy adopt-a-momming!
I really did love that part of tandem nursing.
get familiar with kellymom.com and also get 'The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding'
I will help you (virtually) any time of day or night, J :)
I have a question. How did you go about "gently" weaning? I am ready for my boy to phase out some nursing--he is still nursing 3-5 just during the day and still several times at night. Its starting to wear on me a bit--and I can't even imagine being pregnant with him nursing that much. :/ I mean, Emma was nursing 1-2 times a day and once at night...and she was only 20 months when I got pregnant with him--he is 29 months now.
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