When my days get more interesting again, I'll have to try this. They're not very interesting at the moment. Heh. Feed G, change G's diaper, change C's diaper, pump milk, feed G, change G's diaper ... etc, etc, etc. Somehow I manage to squeeze in getting myself breakfast (K does C's breakfast), getting C and myself lunch, and making supper for us all, anything beyond that is icing on the cake. (laundry, dishes, baking, napping, etc)
Wow, great pictures! I wish my husband could play real guitar and not just the "hero" one :P You look great! I have that shirt although it's skin tight on chubby me! so what is a line leader?
Comments 34
When my days get more interesting again, I'll have to try this. They're not very interesting at the moment. Heh. Feed G, change G's diaper, change C's diaper, pump milk, feed G, change G's diaper ... etc, etc, etc. Somehow I manage to squeeze in getting myself breakfast (K does C's breakfast), getting C and myself lunch, and making supper for us all, anything beyond that is icing on the cake. (laundry, dishes, baking, napping, etc)
What is with the TWO rush hours in The Woodlands? It's not that big of a town!
Sol's theory:
Rush hour 1: All the wives coming home before their husbands get there from Houston. (from shopping, or HOA meetings)
Rush Hour 2: Every single man in The Woodlands works in Houston. They trickle back from 4:30 - 6:30.
overly simplistic, but it works, lol. I'm so snotty.
You look great!!!
and thank you!
line leader goes out the front door first all day long. Otherwise, we have a knock down, drag out fight at the door every time we leave. NIGHTMARE.
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