(no subject)

Apr 27, 2005 13:13

[y][o][u] [Name] Toby [Sex] XY [School] Lee High [Sign] Libra [State] Louisiana [Exact Location] physical science lab [c][u][r][r][e][n][t][l][y] [Current Date] April 27th, 2005 [Current Time] 1:14 [Clothes] Khakis complements of Val, polo thanks to Mike, wal-mart undershirt, val's old shoes [Weather] comfy outside..but cold as a eunich's crotch in this room [Hair Do] my little side sweep [Footwear] Deisel [Mood] ...(I'm vein)SEXY [Talking To] if I was talking, would I have time for this? [Sounds] ebonics and the a/c [h][o][w] [m][a][n][y] [Cups On Desk] nun [Pets] Gibson [Siblings] none [Cousins] 3? [Aunts] 2 [Uncles] 2 [h][o][w] [m][a][n][y] [t][i][m][e][s] [p][e][r] [d][a] [y] [d][o] [y][o][u] [Change Clothes] at least 3, usually 4 [Brush Your Teeth] Twice. [Brush Your Hair] when the comb happens to be within reach [Eat] 2 [Say the Word "ok"] pi x 10e6 [Yell at Your Siblings] siblings? [Slam Doors] my mom broke them all by doing that already [h][a][b][i][t][s] [(do you)] [Procrastinate] hell to the yes [Stress] ehh [Take out Your Issues On Others] sometimes [Self Injure- (ex: cut, burn, pull hair)] umm no [Have an Eating Disorder] "I beat anarexia" [Tend to Judge People] human tendancy...all the time [for a million bucks ] [(would you)] [Name Your Kid Dammit] fuck yeah, thats funny [Strip For Your Classmates] probably [Shave Your head] yes, but Genny would hurt me [Wax Off Your Eyebrows] mmm hmmm [Wax An Old man's Back] *pukes* [Sit In a Cage With 4 Hungry Wolves] as long as I get a condom [Eat A Snake] cooked! [Swim With The Jelly Fish] with peaunutbutter fish [Make Out With Your Teacher] HELL TO THE NO [Strip At a School Pep Assembly] only to RHPS music [Stand up In Class And Flip Your Teacher The Bird] who would need to pay me for that [a][l][m][o][s][t] [o][v][e][r] [Why Did You Take This Survey] so Alison won't be alone [What's The Time Now] 1:22 [What Are You Doing After This] singing [Bye!] what the hell? The Average Day.. Starts at ____ o' clock.: 6:30 First thing I think when I wake up is: where's the dog The first thing I usually do is..: moan If I eat breakfast, it's usually..: rice krispy treat I get in the shower no later than..: 6:40 I wash my ____ first.: stomach And I wash my ____ last.: hair I'm usually on the computer by..: 6:50 If I leave the house, I'm going to..: ...I'm never in my house I eat lunch by ____ o' clock.: 12 For lunch, I usually eat//drink..:soyburger It usually takes me ____ to get ready.: 15 minutes I usually spend _____ on the computer.: a long ass time As For Today.. I woke up at..: fuck...I don't know have eaten..: pizza and cheetos I have gone to..: skewl I've been on the computer for..: too long I have been to these websites --: Live journal, myspace, lyricsfreak I wish I was..: fucking something Tomorrow.. I plan on waking up at..: till questionamrks??? Spend my day doing..: singing(choir conert) Talking to..: Michael and KC Listening to..: the bell Thinking of..:sex sex sex Laughing about..:anything that arrouses my interest Getting angry about..: Angry? If You HAD To Choose.. Having the flu, or having a cold?: cold Piercings all over your face, or piercings `everywhere` else?: prince albert bitches Failing a class, or getting suspended?:I've never done either, but I'd rather be suspended Having to sit in a tub of snakes, or having to eat a tub of snakes?:rape every snake Eating a super-moldy peach, or drinking a glass of super-spoiled milk?: either way I'm puking Dying, or losing your memory?: I choose death Going schitzo or being a mass murderer?: we all are schitzo in our own ways PMSing for the rest of your life, or getting your period everyday?: I have a PENIS Have You Ever.. Been stood up?: oh HELL YEAH. Had your Wisdom Teeth removed?: shit no Played an instrument, and sucked at it?:...Violin, but I'm getting lessons Seen a UFO?: no Pulled an all-nighter?: yessa Been drunk?: not often, but yeah Been high?: must thou ask? Been giving a speeding ticket?:give me a car and liscense first Eaten octopus or squid?: les deux Been to a play?: ..bitch, been in a play Gone surfing?: ha...ha ha..funny guy Snowboarding?: psh..fuck the cold Kissed someone of the same sex?: ...tonight Kissed someone of the opposite sex?: of course Been in a real castle?: in Quebec! Had an eating disorder?: used to Been in a car accident?: two How Many.. Piercings do you have?: 1 Tattoos do you have?: 0 Pets do you have?: mon chien 1 People live in your house?: mom and me Rings you're wearing?: zilch People you have dated?: I don't keep count People you've actually loved?: I Love alot of people What's Your Favorite.. Color(s)?: poiple Cereal?: lucky fuckin charms Pajamas?: Genny's Jim Morrison's State?: state of BLiss(Oklahoma?) Movie?: much too broad of a question TV show?: Seinfeld bitches Disney movie?: Pirates of Carribean Soda?: Coke Video//PC game?: fuck dem Way to spend a Saturday?:friends Class in school?: Choir and l'anglais Ice cream flavor?: cookie dough or moolinium crunch Candy?: chocolate Lollipop flavor?:artificial grape Teacher?: Swannnaaa, Stuckey! Teacher you have a crush on right now?: ...ewww What If.. You could go on vacation anywhere. Where would you go?: Germany, France, or Italy You could change your eye color. What would you change it to?: wouldn't change, I Love blue eyes You could meet any two celebrities. Who would you meet?: Johnny Depp and Jack Nicholson You could kickass at any sport. Which one would you pick?: Frisbee diskin bitches You could date any teacher in your school. Who would you wanna date?: EWW About Your Personality.. Shy or outgoing?: hahaha...guess Do you laugh a lot?: chyeah! How can someone tell your laugh isn't fake?: my fake laugh is VERY sarcastic Do you get annoyed easily?: ehh..on occasion Do you complain a lot?: I can Do you have a few close friends, or just friends?: I gos a shit load of friends Do you get jealous easily?: YES Do you cry a lot?: ehh..over stuff like movies and music..yes Do you cry during movies?: HELL YEAH Do you raise your hand in class a lot?: FUCK NO Do you enjoy loud parties with a bunch of your friends?: as long as they are a bunch of MY friends Do you prefer double dates, or `alone` dates?: mono a mono In The Last Week Have You.. Eaten pizza?: yes Eaten chinese food?: don't think so Made out?: like an hour ago Thrown up?: almost Gone hot tubbing?:can't say I have Went shopping?: negative Taken a test or quiz?: yes Gone to the doctors?: no Gone to the dentist?: no Seen a movie?: Amadeus Which one?: Amadeus Got into a big fight with a friend?: does Michael count as a friend? Who?: an ass Got into a big fight with a close friend?: ??? Random Questions.. Where were you on Halloween?: Genny's house...in drag What are you doing this weekend?: singing at fest for all, working, seeing sexy boys Are you in a fight with any of your friends right now?: ask Michael...I never know What's your screen name?: angelofmusLc What's your favorite name for a girl?: damnit For a boy?: Adam Do you have your own computer?: I'm on it Do you like to watch really scary movies?: if my mood permits When's the next birthday party you're going to?: I can't answer that Do you have braces?: nope What color do you want to dye you hair?: none Have you ever cried over a teacher before?: yes...ROTC Are you gay?: FUCKIN A A little about yourself… >< Given Name:: Charles >< Gender:: XY >< Age:: 16 >< Date of Birth:: october 14, 1988 >< Hair Color:: blonde >< Hair Type:: straight(unlike my sexual preference) >< Eye color:: BLue >< Skin Color:: Caucasion >< Height:: 5'8"..ish >< AIM/AOL Screen Name:: angelofmusLc Favorites… >< Word(s):: Penguin, facetious, slough, crucial >< Language:: all other than Spanish and brother languages to Spanish >< Food:: cock >< Drink:: tea and coke >< Band:: Floyd, Stones, Who, Bach, Brahms, Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner, Schubert, Lloyd Webber >< Singer:: Dylan, Roger Daltry >< T.V Show:: Seinfeld >< Movie:: I ALREADY ANSWERED THESE IN MAJORITY >< Animal:: cat and dog >< Number:: 17 >< Telephone Number:: ***-**** >< Holiday:: Halloween >< Weather:: sunny with a breeze >< Flower:: Long Stem Red Rose >< Scent:: incense, weed, raspberry >< Color:: purple >< Celebrity:: Depp >< DVD:: Berlin Philharmonic doing Beethoven's 9th Have you ever? >< Kissed the same sex?: Yes >< Had Sex?: yes >< Gotten detention?:yes >< Got Grounded?:yes >< Cheated On Someone?: no >< Were Caught Cheating? no >< Lost Your Wallet?: yes, with 15 dollars in it...I miss that money >< Lost Your Cellular Phone?: negative >< Spied On Your Mom And Dad?: no, not technically >< Were Caught Doing something wrong?: who hasn't been >< Cursed At Your Parents?: yes >< Been In love?: Hell to the Yeah >< Been Loved?: I think so >< Used a Friend?: don't think so, it might have been unintentional >< Been Used By A Friend?: cough cough Michael cough >< Lost a Friend?: I've burned my share of bridges >< Been Cheated On?: don't know >< Been To the Emergency Room?:yes >< Broken a Bone?: no HA knock wood Are you... >< Lesbian/Gay?: Yes >< Bisexual?: kinda >< Somewhat Attractive?: I'm vein..yes >< Depressed?: at times...no..nevermind...just no >< In Pain?: itching >< Worried?: a little >< In Shock?: not now >< Excited?: yes, PotO on Tuesday >< Happy?: YES YES YES >< Obsessed?: constantly >< A Drug Addict?: no >< A Smoker?: of bacco >< An Alcoholic?: no >< A Loner?: HAHAHA >< Loved?: yessss >< Hated?: HAHAHA..YES!!! >< Wanted?: dunno >< Unwanted?: yes >< Shy?:...???? what do you think >< Bored?: not now >< Having Fun?: a little >< Listening To Music?: yes(Sympathy for the Devil) >< Watching T.V?: actually..yes >< On the Computer?: that is rhetorical...right? >< Doing Homework?: ha..ha ha..NO >< Single?: hopefully not for long >< Taken?: no Choose: >< Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate >< Dog or Cat?: pollicle dog >< Sleeping or Awake?: awake >< Sunny or Gloomy?: Sunny >< Dark or Light?: depends >< Pretty or Ugly?: do you NEED to ask? >< Wanted or Unwanted?: Wanted >< Burgers or Hot Dogs?: Burger >< Sitting or Standing Up?: depends >< Computer or T.V?: Comp >< Noise or Silence?: I HATE silence >< Boys or Girls?: The Cock! >< Virgin or Non-Virgin?: I am experienced >< Slut or Decent?: haha...I'm a man whore! >< Nice or Mean?: mean in a playing way...nice >< Stupid or Smart?: intelegence is a must >< Shy or Funny?: funny >< Rain or Snow?: Rain >< Cold or Warm?: Warm >< Alone or Companioned?: I like company >< School or No School?: which school..the one I hate or the one I want to go to >< Enemy or Friend?: Friend >< Cat Fight or Fist Fight?: Fist fight >< Gum or Candy?: Gum >< Juice or Soda?: Cola >< Beer or Cigarette?: cancers >< Old or Young?: young >< Boring or Fun?: Fun >< Numbers or Letters?: don't make me choose >< Bath or Shower?: SHOWA >< Dry or Wet?: Dry >< Sex, Drugs, or Rock and Roll?: yes Currently... >< Wearing?: I'm nude now >< Watching?: crappy show on Adult Swim >< Listening To?: Stones >< Staring At?: wang >< Eating?: nothing >< Drinking?: Coke >< Smelling?: dog?..I think >< Tasting?: saliva >< Thinking?: what do these people IM'ing me want? >< Mood?: Musical Who was the last person... >< You Talked To?: mother >< You Listened To?: umm...Joey? NO Genny..wait..fuck...I don't remember >< You Looked At?: Mom >< You Touched?: Joey >< You Hugged?: Joey >< You Kissed?: Joey >< Had Sex With?: no comment >< You Instant Messaged?: Colton >< You Were On the Phone With?: Gennybag!!!! >< You Lost?: don't remember >< You Missed?: Gram Gram >< You Needed?: Beethoven >< You Loved?: I Love many people right now >< You Wanted?: HAHHA...TOO MANY AT THE SAME TIME! >< You cried with?: Colton's paper made me cray >< You Laughed With?: mes amigos..no..Joey...we were dancing...don't ask >< Yelled At?: mom >< Who Pissed You Off?: fuckin nigga freshmen at Lee >< Who Made You Happy?: all my pals >< Who Made You Sad?: Michael >< Who Made You Cry?: Colton(tears' O Joy) >< You Said Hello To?: forget >< You Said Goodbye To?: YOU
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