Metal monsters making music
In the tones of armageddon
And the harmony of rapture
Sounding cold and dark and leaden
Spears of iron shaking sabers
As the canon's charming down beat
Lifted up the grassland
Killing millions under feet
And deep within the bloody trenches
An officer, a boy, whose rank was signified in chrome
Whose brother lay amongst the pondflies
10,000 miles east of home
And to his horror high above him perched
A soldier sent from foriegn nation
Standing tall above his hiding place
Despite his indignation
Then his fingers gripped his weapon
Not with any reason left
He closed his eyes and pointed upwards
His foe fell down, he screamed then wept.
And as the man lay dying drowning
In a pool of his own red liquid
He looked that young man in the eyes
And said "my children were evicted"
"From our home in Krakow's ghetto.
Because I had to go to war
For a man that hates me and my people,
Now my little ones are orphaned poor.
And When I'm dead they'll surly die
Perhaps starvation or from murder
I'd beg to see my girls again
But i fear now i can reach no further."
Then rain from sorrowed heaven high
Came dripping down to claim the soul
Of fallen soldier, loyal father
The boy's 2 decade's worth of spirit, cold
The boy returned to home and family
Safe in farmhouse far from danger
But from his heart could never lift
His killing of that foriegn stranger.