Hello, my name is:Carolyn
and I like to be called:Car, pronounced like the thing you drive. It's what all my friends have called me since 8th grade... but Carolyn, Carrie and "Hey, you." work for me too.
I've been on the Earth for:20 short years
I was born a:curious girl... I actually came out face first because I wanted to see the world so badly.
and I love to date:the most wonderful man in the world. We've been together for a year and a half and best friends for twice that long.
I currently live in:Scranton, PA while I go to the University of Scranton, but Long Island is home.
These are my favorite things:
Foods:mashed potatoes, New York bagels/pizza
Movies:Amelie. Garden State. The Little Mermaid.
Bands/artists:Right now my favorite are Bob Marley, Brett Dennen, and Lil Wayne. They will probably change in 2 weeks.
Hobbies:I don't have a ton of free time, but when I do I like to listen to music and try to find new tunes, do yoga/pilates, or catch up with friends.
Quote:"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." -Marilyn Monroe
General:climbing into bed when my sheets are fresh from the dryer, kisses on the forehead, self confidence, my baby blanket
And I really hate:
Foods:Peas. I can't think of any food I hate more than peas.
Movies:I hate porn. It's really awkward and makes me incredibly uncomfortable. In high school my friends had a "porn party" and it was a really weird experience for me.
Bands/artists:Paris Hilton/Lindsay Lohan are not musical artists. They're hot chicks who somehow got songs on the radio.
General:Uncontrollable allergies. Rude people. When people are satisfied with ignorance. The sound of utensils scraping a pot.
What is most important to you?My family. My closest friends are included in that. I will move heaven and earth to make them happy.
Can you show us something creative you're made?I'm not an artist, but I wrote this poem a while ago.
Too many words flying,
none will come down to the ground.
If we could make a decision,
it would simply be that we can't decide.
Things are too busy,
waiting for concentration.
We'll wait for the center to come,
where it'll all be within reach,
and yet won't touch.
It's all out of our grasp,
but within sight.
We'll maintain our dreams
based on the things we can see,
and forget all that we have.
Never forget to long for all that's out of reach.
Life can never be enough,
we must hope and wish to succeed.
Success can never be here,
always inches away.
Just one more inch to go.
... It's not my best, but I forgot my writing notebook at home. I really miss it a lot.
Anything interesting you would like to share?I'm a neuroscience major. It's nerdy, I know. However, the brain, psychology, and understanding how the body works have all been passions of mine since I was in about 5th grade. To be honest, I'm happy being a nerd.
Anything else we should know about? My grandmother is my role model. She is the kindest and bravest person I have ever met. She has Parkinson's disease and while she's losing weight and losing control of her muscles, she still refuses to let her illness rule her life. Instead, she's volunteering to work with immigrants and teach them English so they can successfully live in the US.
Do you:
Get drunk or casually drink?Definately
Do drugs?Nope.
Have sex?Yeah, I do.
Have any piercings?Nose, ears, belly.
My ear piercing is my favorite.
Have any tattoos?Negative.
Please pick at least two of the following to elaborate on and tells us your opinion. Please give detailed answers!
Stem cell research:A lot of people want to ban stem cell research, but they don't realize that there are stem cells available from things other than aborted fetuses. I don't necessarily agree with doing research of fetuses, but stem cell research really is crucial to advancements in the medical field.
Love:When I was younger, I always loved reading love stories and watching sappy movies, but I was always the girl who dated boys for 1-3 months and wanted to be single. I never liked attachment. Now, I'm dating my best friend and I'm happier than I could ever imagine, but I'm still scared. Everyone tells us we're going to get married, he says it'll last forever. Forever is a really long time. Love really is a forever kind of thing. However, the idea of forever is really scary. I also sincerely believe that old fashioned romance is dead. People fall in love and when it gets hard they walk away from their relationships. I think that because our country is built on being selfish and it's really killed old fashioned romance and family values.
Sex Education in Schools: I don't think it's right to ignore sex ed in schools, especially high school. Regardless of whether you educate children on the dangers of sex, they're going to do it. At least if they know how to put on a condom/use other safe sex practices and know about STDs they'll be able to protect themselves. It really shocked me when I got to college and people didn't know how dangerous casual sex can be.
Please use clear shots, don't make weird faces or other stupid poses, no 'myspace angles'. Nothing that is against Lj TOS
My best friend and I were naked for Halloween last year.. I'm on the top bunk.
Sorry my hair is all over, it's been a long day.