Caprica Commentary

Oct 26, 2010 23:32

Daniel, you have SERIOUS work to do on Amanda-A’s program. Over on my Tumblr I live blog all of the Caprica episodes and I call it my  "Caprica Commentary". My full Caprica Commentary can be viewed, in order of postage, under the cut.

Daniel, you cannot just make yourself an Amanda-A
And obviously you are fucking up the code cause that was not a realistic portrayal or Amanda rn.

…I think ...maybe
Lol, the Tauron boss does not approve of the program

Caprica Storylines
Caprica’s storylines are:
  • The Adama Brother’s relationsip
  • Joseph and Evelyn’s romance
  • Daniel and Amanda trying to patch things up
  • Zoe-A and Tamara-A in V-World
  • Daniel and the Company and the program.
  • Lacy on Gemenon
  • Clarice and Amanda
  • Clarice’s power struggle in the STO
The show likes to focus on only some of them and then randomly throw in others, but they need to find a balance between these. Maybe make 1, 2, or 3 the main stories for each episode and keep some others in the background, and then switch it up for the next episode. Just to keep it more balanced. 
Daniel, you have SERIOUS work to do on Amanda-A’s program.
Amanda and Daniel need to get back together RIGHT NOW

I knew that scene wasn’t real
And even though Daniel does deserve what he said Amanda would do, I still want them to get back together because they are truly broken without each other.

Oh and I cannot believe that Sam used the proto-Cylon
I bet that ends up influencing the humanoid Cylons
Thoughts on the ending montage with Clarice’s voiceover
  1. I just completely loved her speech.
  2. YAY, Joseph and Evelyn got together
  3. YAY, Amanda got accepted.
But I thought as a way of curbing whatever-her-name’s power Clarice was going to kill the baby and does anyoine else think that its a little weird that “So say we all” is a phrase used by the STO in Caprica but in Battlestar Galactica it is used by the military?

The Caprica Commentary tag can be viewed here

But also: -What is the HBIC of Clarice's family's name? -How do you spell the name of the Tauron mob? -What is the leader of the Tauron mob called?

my thoughts, caprica, tv shows

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