Bishies dancing in my head...

Apr 23, 2004 16:01

I had the weirdest dream last night. I had a dream that Alita won a trip to Japan through the mail and she invited me to go with her. What was weird was that Alita in my dream said,"That's weird... I didn't enter any contest..."

So we got to Japan where we were put on this bus, with the other winners from the US, that took us somewhere. We all fell asleep as we went through a tunnel though and when we woke up we were at this strange looking building. Everyone got ushered into the building where we were sat at these round tables. Alita and I sat at a table with these other girls from the US. I jokingly said to Alita now that I was in Japan maybe I should have asked her for Japanese lessons before we left. Alita looked at me shocked and said that I was speaking in Japanese. Well to me it sounded like everyone was speaking in English but Alita said that everyone was speaking in Japanese.
I looked in the duffle bag that I had brought from America to find a cell phone. The bag was now filled with my clothes and two plastic swords. I pulled them out and looked at Alita curiously. She then looked in her bag and found a pillow along with her clothes. We were both very confused.
After looking in the bags I looked around, seeing strangely enough different people from the Battle Royale and Battle Royale2 movies.
A man stood up in the middle of the room and announced that we would have a practice "match" against each other to see how it might end up. We were all very confused but put on these strange outfits that looked kind of like lazer tag vests, but they were jumpsuits. The boys had yellow flash thingies and they girls had purple. We were told to take our weapons out of our bags and to follow the the man who had spoken earlier.
He lead us into a room that was black-light lit and said the only way we could "kill" each other was to hit the lights in the middle of our chests. The girls lined up on one side of the room and the boys on the other. The man counted to 3 and everyone ran at each other as I heard the man laugh and say, "I wonder which sex will win..."
Well it was a quick battle, people were pulled out of the room as they were hit. Everyone had fake and/or silly weapons.
After a while it was down to me and Kiriyama from the first Battle Royale. We both had plastic swords that were both surprisingly good with.
We fought for what seemed a long time, neither of us hitting each other's spots, until the man's voice came over the speaker saying the game was over as it was too matched of a fight and it would be too long if he just let us fight against each other.
We both looked up, the guy who looked like Kiriyama nodded at me and said I was pretty good. Not as good as him but pretty good. Then he walked away.
After this everyone was lead back into the first room and changed out of the jumpsuits. We were handed folders with a paper inside that we were told to sign and that we wouldn't be told anything else until everyone had their papers.
After we signed, I myself asked the older Asian lady that had replaced the man from earlier what this was about. She said it was a Battle Royale and that we were all picked from random out of a computer. She then told us we had to sign those papers so they, the people running this program I'm guessing, were no longer responsible for us as we would be killed and that we knew we would be killed before we signed the paper.
Everyone was in an uproar. The lady calmly told us that the ones with "toy" weapons now had their own real look alikes in their bags. I heard everyone gasp in shock then I woke up...

Well that's it and I was quite shocked about the dream but I knew I had to write it down if only to amuse myself.
I'm doing fine if anyone wonders. Hopefully my computer will be up soon.
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