a little bit, michaels guitar and all. ellen sings (michael a bit too), and she has the most amazing voice...amazing. i haven't seen raquel drum with jemima jemima, but i'm sure she'd be great, coz she's awesome in oh! belgium. they are hard to describe, but from the one time i saw them in melbourne, i would say they are my favourite melbourne band
just because you mentioned leonard cohen as your music, i decided we should chat. i love his literature, and the only music i've heard of his was my dad's album with closing time on it. so newer. and gross. tell me what you recommend.
hey baby, baby . . i would recommend, recent songs, and his newest album dear heather. i would be more than happy to make you a mix! leave me your address, and im on it!
Comments 10
i guess i'll watch bird blobs too
its from Welcome to the Dollhouse brother!!!
yeah? yeah? yeah!!
yes send me that cd laced in cocaine yes why thanyou
one of my all time favourite movies - i bought a book of the screenplay for a present for ellen, it was cheap too!
i would recommend, recent songs, and his newest album dear heather.
i would be more than happy to make you a mix!
leave me your address, and im on it!
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