Age: 16
Height: SAME HEIGHT AS FREYJADOUR. :\ So, average?
Weight: SAME WEIGHT AS -- no, probably just a bit less, lol street life.
Eyes: Yellow/Gold
Hair: Brown (when it's not under a silver wig)
Medical info: Normal? Some small scars, but nothing major.
Physical traits: LOOKS LIKE FREY. Except for the different hair and eye color, which makes them easily distinguishable when he's not in costume. If he's wearing the wig, the only difference is the eyes. (More on this can be found
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Like the other two from his canon, he's from after the final battle but before the end of the game. So, anything up to that point.
Abilities: Can fight with nunchaku in a style that is ALSO IDENTICAL TO FREY'S.
Notes for the Psychics: LOLOL his "Prince Freyjadour" act ought to immediately set off a warning bells. Or really, more like a warning SIREN and huge blinking neon "IMPOSTER" sign (as it probably will eventually even if you aren't psychic). When he's just being himself, he's pretty face-value . . . Okay, he's a bit tsundere, so sometimes his "Hmph, I don't care about this/you/whatever" attitude is a cover-up. But he's trying to mean it, really!
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Yes. 8D
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Yes. 8D
Maim/Murder/Death: Probably, but ask first/Probably not/Probably not.
Emo/Drama: Should be fine.
Cooking: You cook. He steals.