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Comments 152

thediamondskies December 28 2012, 22:50:05 UTC


badjujuboo December 29 2012, 10:33:59 UTC
1 - ily
2 - squee!!!!!!!


thediamondskies December 29 2012, 21:27:39 UTC


thediamondskies December 28 2012, 22:50:51 UTC
fill post! reply with any fills so they can add them to the list!


hostagesfic December 28 2012, 23:33:48 UTC
can i please get some good ol' narry frottage up in here? just harry and niall touching dicks, rubbing off on each other- perhaps set during that weekend harry spent in ireland with niall after txf, but i'm really not picky at all. -p


thediamondskies December 29 2012, 01:17:35 UTC
this prompts speaks to me.

the world better prepare -- harry/niall, frottage, nc-17

ireland is colder than harry expected.

there's a bite in the air, an easy breeze that hits you when you least expect it; niall's caught him shivering more than once and laughed right in his face.

he likes niall the best so far, he thinks. he smiles an aweful lot with his crooked little teeth and he laughs even louder. perhaps even more than that, he curses more than anyone harry's met in his life thus far and it makes him feel like some kind of rebel.

the spend all day friday on the computer taking dumb pictures on niall's webcam and play chatroulette. when the first dick pops up on screen harry freezes for a moment, looking over at niall through the corner of his eye, but niall gets the biggest grin on his face and cackles.

weird dick m8, bit crooked.when they get nexted niall laughs so hard that his laptop falls over and harry can't help but think they're going to be nothing short of best mates for life ( ... )


thediamondskies December 29 2012, 01:17:55 UTC
"you're a good kisser," harry breathes, panting softly between them ( ... )


prettykitty_aya December 29 2012, 04:05:04 UTC


anonymous December 28 2012, 23:37:54 UTC
Niall celebrates getting his braces removed by making out with everyone; tongues and teeth!


anonymous December 28 2012, 23:40:50 UTC
niall/girl!zayn - niall going down on ladies yes please *___*


knottle January 4 2013, 21:33:25 UTC
She's never had it this good before, and Zayn's had some really good head. When Niall's eating her out she's never got a moment to think about anything but his heaven-sent tongue, his 100% focus on her, his perfect skill. He's smug about it but Zayn doesn't care - she likes the way he leers at her just before he goes down, his confident hands squeezing her hips ( ... )


thediamondskies January 7 2013, 02:28:01 UTC
wow how did i JUST see this.

so fucking hot, ugh you're one of my favorites. <3


knottle January 7 2013, 20:00:39 UTC
Thank you so much! <3


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