Dude, I hated Kerry! I still have guilt over not voting Socialist in 2004. And incidentally, we weren't in a war in Iraq because we'd been attacked, because Iraqis didn't attack us.
I'm still a little curious as to how you can see any political party as any kind of underdog. And if this is somehow tied to your formative experiences, how do you think it would change if we'd grown up in Lynden?
You're right! It was Howard Dean that you liked so much! All I remember is his CD lying around for ages!
Where did I say anything about Iraqi war? I could be wrong; I was half hopped up on cold medicine when I wrote this, but I don't remember saying anything about the war in the sense that Iraqis attacked us.
You seen Rachel Maddow, which means you've also seen MSNBC. Watching Keith Olbermann is like a hate show for an hour. I can barely stand watching it for longer that five minutes. And then there's CNN. And regular NBC (i.e: 30 Rock, SNL, etc). And the New York Times. And the Associated Press. The list goes on and on of anti-conservative media. So, yah, I would think they were the underdog in a way. Maybe I should have said underdog of the media then.
I think it wouldn't have mattered living in Lynden in reference to how I ended up, but maybe it would've been less of a time where I felt a bit confused.
So, you've become a Republican because... you're bitter at hypocritical liberals? And media bias? How about, you know, ideology and issues? I take it you're economically conservative, what about socially?
Yah, that's right, guy-who-I-haven't-been-in-touch-with-forever (that was a long one, eh?). Take only the negative of what I wrote out. ;)
Socially, I'm pretty much as conservative as you can be without being a crazy extremist. ;) Like I said, though, I don't really talk about it. I'm not really an open person when it comes to all things social because I think most of the time it's unnecessary. I usually just sit back and listen when people talk about issues of today's society, unless it comes to a point where I feel that my opinion is being threatened or some such. Then, I'll eat your head of like a Preying Mantis. Just kidding! . . .but really. . .I'll shank a mo'fo. :-D
The reason I asked is because social conservatism is significantly defined by faith-based morality rather than rationality- or reality-based arguments... and I guess it seems to me you sound like you've made some efforts to rationalize your political stances, rather than following some religious dictate. But on the other hand I guess I don't really know you. Are you pro-life? Anti-gay marriage? Abstinence-only education? Intelligent design taught in schools? I understand if you'd rather not get into those topics too much; I know how easily political discussions can turn ugly. I should say though that I don't get emotionally invested in debates, presumably because I don't hold very strong opinions for the most part; at best I like challenging peoples' viewpoints and hopefully learn something myself.
This is jubal btw, in case you weren't aware of that, you may remember me from such hits as "Your Birthday", "That Party That One Time", and "That Other Party".
Jubal! Yes! I knew that. . .from the "Party that I Threw Up At" and "Heather's Friend's House Party".
I'm a few of those things, but it's also based on my. . . I don't know how to put it, higher sense of morality. I'm a bit of a prude when it comes to things, and faith-based or not, I invest more in morality than most people I know. But, I do have to say, I weigh things out logically AND ethically before I make my decisions, because making a decision without one or the other doesn't always make for a good one.
Hey... I think I annoyed you, so I apologize. I thought you sounded like maybe you wanted to talk about politics or whatever, so I was trying to get you to engage a bit about it. Obviously I failed :( I'm kind of a social retard sometimes.
Anyway, you know I always thought you were pretty alright, and kind of wish I could've been a little more social and gotten to know you a little better when you lived up here. Ah well. Mind if I friend you on here?
OH! No, don't worry. I actually just have been investing more time in my lame-o Myspace. I had a bit of an. . .altercation on LJ the other day with some ACTUAL social retards (I don't consider you one) and figured I might lay low for a while so as to not provoke them. :)
Go ahead and add me. I haven't touched my friend's list in a good long time anyways. :)
Comments 10
I'm still a little curious as to how you can see any political party as any kind of underdog. And if this is somehow tied to your formative experiences, how do you think it would change if we'd grown up in Lynden?
Where did I say anything about Iraqi war? I could be wrong; I was half hopped up on cold medicine when I wrote this, but I don't remember saying anything about the war in the sense that Iraqis attacked us.
You seen Rachel Maddow, which means you've also seen MSNBC. Watching Keith Olbermann is like a hate show for an hour. I can barely stand watching it for longer that five minutes. And then there's CNN. And regular NBC (i.e: 30 Rock, SNL, etc). And the New York Times. And the Associated Press. The list goes on and on of anti-conservative media. So, yah, I would think they were the underdog in a way. Maybe I should have said underdog of the media then.
I think it wouldn't have mattered living in Lynden in reference to how I ended up, but maybe it would've been less of a time where I felt a bit confused.
So, you've become a Republican because... you're bitter at hypocritical liberals? And media bias? How about, you know, ideology and issues? I take it you're economically conservative, what about socially?
Socially, I'm pretty much as conservative as you can be without being a crazy extremist. ;) Like I said, though, I don't really talk about it. I'm not really an open person when it comes to all things social because I think most of the time it's unnecessary. I usually just sit back and listen when people talk about issues of today's society, unless it comes to a point where I feel that my opinion is being threatened or some such. Then, I'll eat your head of like a Preying Mantis. Just kidding! . . .but really. . .I'll shank a mo'fo. :-D
This is jubal btw, in case you weren't aware of that, you may remember me from such hits as "Your Birthday", "That Party That One Time", and "That Other Party".
I'm a few of those things, but it's also based on my. . . I don't know how to put it, higher sense of morality. I'm a bit of a prude when it comes to things, and faith-based or not, I invest more in morality than most people I know. But, I do have to say, I weigh things out logically AND ethically before I make my decisions, because making a decision without one or the other doesn't always make for a good one.
Anyway, you know I always thought you were pretty alright, and kind of wish I could've been a little more social and gotten to know you a little better when you lived up here. Ah well. Mind if I friend you on here?
Go ahead and add me. I haven't touched my friend's list in a good long time anyways. :)
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