So yesterday, or possibly the day before that, I read Tash's post about how she needed to get her act together. Well she's not the only one. I've also become a real slacker as of lately and it needs to stop. Missing classes, forgetting assignments, doing nothing but being on the computer when I'm free, this is not good and it needs to get better.
...and the rant goes on. )
Comments 7
Im gonna miss my Johan.
OMG! I wish! They do make excellent grades, and I'm extremely proud of them, but there are a few B's mixed in with the A's. It's all the advanced classes, they are a lot harder than the regular ones and that makes it easier for them to slip and make a few B's.
As for you spending less time on the internet... If you want to be like my boys, you can only be on for about an hour a day. If you want to be Johan, my Swedish son, then what you said seems like a good start to focusing more on the future than the right now and what's going on online.
I think any college would be lucky to have you, so go ahead and buckle down and you'll get in where you want to.
I hope you're right about college. I just have to put down the energy to earn the grades and recomendations needed.
Thanks *hugs*
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