It's meme time wohoo!!!
Five Random Facts About Yourself from Magda
1 I love to tell people random facts about myself.
2 When I was eleven I wanted to move to Holland so I could eat fries with mayonnaise.
3 I have never had a noosebleed in my entire life.
4 I kissed a girl... I didn't like it.
5 Most of my RL friends call me Nisse, not Johan, from my last name Nilsson.
Icon Meme from Sahar
1. Reply to this post, saying "pick me" or similar, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
Podolski is my fav football player ever. He's one of the best players in Europe, yet he never seems arrogant or in love with himself as so many other footballplayers do *cough* Zlatan *cough* Ronaldo *cough*. I liked him before the Euro but after the Germany/Polen match when he looked so sad after he scored because Polen is his second homeland. That's different compaired to the Dutch coach for Russia, who said he'd be happy to become a traitor before the Holland/Russia game. Not to mention Podolski is a total babe. :-P
Maxxie is sweet and I like him in this picture. He's not my fav skins character, but I really like him and especially his realtionship with Anwar. It reminds me of the relationship between me and one of my muslim friends, although I'm not at all like Maxxie, and he isn't very much like Anwar... but still. Oh, and Maxxie is a total babe, too.
I always liked Victor Krum, and I was horrified by the way they portrayed him in the GoF movie. In the books Victor is a smart and tallanted person who altough really famous is very insecure (he's nervous about asking Hermione out for example) and he and Hermione had a mutual love for eachother. In movies however, minor characters are not allowed complex personalities, so they made him both stupid and shallow, gave him almost three lines, and Hermione wasn't all that about him. I liked the guy they got to play him though, thus I have a icon with him. Plus he's a total babe.
Theon Greyjoy is a total babe jackass, but I find him funny. I believe I was one of very few people who enjoyed Theon's chapters. (Maybe cause Asha was in two of them) Anyway the reason I have this icon is because it makes me laugh. (It's funny cause it's true) The text could be clearer, but on the whole I like it. I wonder who the icon maker is, where she lives and if she like football? ...Oh right :P
I got this icon as a bribe, that would ensure my vote in a very important poll. (I believe it was best Weseros villian and I had to vote for Aerys II staying.) I asked Sil to make me one with Colin Firth because he pwns. She thought he would be very good to eat, and I agree. I mean, C'mon, forget that he is my parents age, Firth is a total babe.
MvH Johan