Why are the dang WoW action figures so expensive? Ok, I know they are custom and wearing my gear,which I why I covet one, but it is too much for my love to buy it for me, being that it is a small plastic like (collector's) bauble.
Frankly I'm surprised this isn't more common.. Rapid Prototyping Machines have been around for a good while (I even got a sample from one that's a 1-piece made adjustable wrench!.. and that was from almost 8 years ago..)..
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Anyhow.. it's expensive because of that whole supply and demand thing. If the company is smart and there is enough demand to make there be a back-log of this, they'll do what every other business does..
... outsource it to china to do it at 1/10th the cost, but they'd still sell it for at least 1/2 the price.
And.. last thing.. technically they aren't action figures.. they would be curios or sculptures or something.. I think 'action figure' has a very specific meaning to collectors and the ilk..
Yo, it is totally an action figure if I play with it that way! You think it wouldn't be out of its case doing some fighting across my desk? Step! GI Joes in boxes held by collectors are not action figures (I don't care what they say). It has to have battle wounds and pinestraw stuck in joints and paint scratches. I would so be an action figure, do i look like a curio to you? ar a geegaw for that matter? ;P
I am so ahead of slash dot its not even funny. ;? I've wanted one for weeks hehe.
Actually the best way to play with GI JOes was to bend their torso back, reviewing the coveted hole.. and put a single, aptly sized, Black Cat (tm) in said hole..
DUDE. It is so NOT ok for Techno to not buy you this. Its $99 plus shipping! That is NOT at all bad for a bauble you really want for Harmonica. I'm so telling on him to Santa. He may get coal for this.
I am now in the running for one, but have to wait until Dec 21st to see if I am picked to make one. *crosses fingers* It is a random generated thing. Everyone who wants one is entered and it randomly picks a certain number to be allowed to buy one.
Comments 17
Was this caused by the mention of this on SlashDot today?
Anyhow.. it's expensive because of that whole supply and demand thing. If the company is smart and there is enough demand to make there be a back-log of this, they'll do what every other business does..
... outsource it to china to do it at 1/10th the cost, but they'd still sell it for at least 1/2 the price.
And.. last thing.. technically they aren't action figures.. they would be curios or sculptures or something.. I think 'action figure' has a very specific meaning to collectors and the ilk..
/me used to play with alot of GI Joes :]
I am so ahead of slash dot its not even funny. ;? I've wanted one for weeks hehe.
Light.. toss.. enjoy.. :]
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