Title: Chibi Curiosity
Pairing: YamaChii, Hint of YabuNoo
Genre: fluff
Summary: Four-year-old Ryosuke wondered why he and Yuri held a different family name. And he’s about to change that.
His Hazel Brown orbs twinkled in confusion, gaze directed at his best friend’s hand writing. It was their writing exercises in Kindergarten and he was doing his best to learn Hiragana when the boy beside him wrote one character after the other effortlessly.
“C-chi-ne-n?” Chibi Ryosuke tilted his head at the smaller boy.
The latter beamed at him, nodding, “Un! That is Yuwi’s family name,” he puffed his cheeks as the older boy knotted his eyebrows, “Why Wyo-chan? What’s the mattew?”
“How come Yuwi has a diffewent family name? I’m a Yamada and Yuwi a Chinen. I shawe evewything with Yuwi! Fwom my Stwabewy cake to my Wed spowtscaw. Even my hugs, wight? So why can’t we shawe a family name?” The chubby chibi ranted, arms crossed.
Little Yuri blushed at the thought, “I like Wyo-chan’s hugs.”
Hearing this, the older chibi approached him and hugged him by the waist, “I do too. And I want to shawe evewything with Yuwi!”
Both pondered for awhile, boys emerged in deep thoughts over such a trivial thing. It was then that Yuri hatched an idea, “Ah! Maybe Inoo-sensei knows?”
They walked towards the pretty pre-school teacher, hand held by the other as they brought the paper with them.
“Ryo-chan, Chii-chan, what brings you here?” The charming teacher kneeled to their level, patting their heads.
Ryosuke flashed the paper, “Inoo-sensei, Why Yuwi’chan’s family name is different fwom mine?”
Inoo smiled at the two puzzled boys, “That’s because you belong to different families, honey. Ryo-chan and Chii-chan have different parents.”
Both boys pouted as they looked at each other.
“Well then, how can two people shawe family names, sensei?” Yuri pondered, eyes widened in anticipation.
“Well, it’s either through adoption or…” Inoo-sensei suddenly blushed at the thought, “Through marriage.”
Ryosuke’s head tilted to the side, “Mawiage?”
“Un! Do you see that man over there?” Inoo-sensei pulled the two to look outside the classroom, pointing at a tall and lean guy whose looks and charms were drop dead gorgeous. She waved at him, and the said man gladly came to them, smiling back.
“Uwahh, kakkoi,” Yuri exclaimed, waving at the mister as well. Ryosuke gazed upon Yuri’s twinkling eyes, hands fisting up, “What’s so cool about him?”
“Well, he looks like a king!” The smaller of the two responded, approaching their Inoo-sensei and the said man who were now both engaging in a conversation, smiles etched in both faces.
“I am Yuwi!” Yuri introduced as he clung on the man’s leg, “And you awe?” He asked as he was picked up by said man, Inoo-sensei giggling beside him.
“Well hello, Yuri-chan. I am Yabu Kota, Your Inoo-sensei’s fiancée.”
“Fiancee?” his twinkly eyes blinked, “What’s that?”
“It means we’re getting married soon.” Inoo’s cheeks flushed unintentionally, bowing her head in embarrassment.
“That’s right. She’ll be a Yabu, wouldn’t you?” He held his hand out to encapsulate hers in his.
Chibi Ryosuke was flaming in envy at the sight of Yuri up there in this Yabu-guy’s arms. He approached them, tugging onto Yabu’s shirt, “Can you let Yuwi down now? I have to talk to him.”
As soon as Yuri was settled back down, he quickly took Ryosuke’s hand and took him away from the couple, “Did you hear that, Wyo-chan? Inoo-sensei and Yabu-san are getting mawied! And they’ll get to shawe theiw family name!” Chinen tilted his head at his friend’s lack of response, ”What’s the mattew, Wyo-chan?”
Ryosuke held onto Yuri’s shoulders, gazing straight into his dark brown orbs, “I want to shawe my family name with Yuwi. And since adopting you might be impossible, and sensei and hew boyfwend seem vewy happy together, I want to end up like that with Yuwi, too. So you have to pwomise to mawwy me when we get old enough, mkay?” He topped it off with a quick peck on the younger one’s cheeks, his own tinged with red as he did so.
The younger boy smiled, wrapping his arms around the other boy, “Un, I pwomise to be Wyo-chan’s bride and be a Yamada in the futuwe!”
It’s not like he wanted anything else than being a Yamada to begin with.
AN: Hey! So I hope you enjoy with short fic :3 aren't chibi yamachii so cuteee? <3 and about my chaptered fics, if you're concerned that is lol i'll have them posted soon. I'd have plenty of time to finish my fics this summer holiday. Sorry if it took long, I'm a graduating student and so we're practicing this and that. hooray graduation! :3 so, enjoy. leave a comment please? :D