Day 1 & 2 Here Days 3 to 5
Day 3 - For each of the fandoms from day two, what were your favourite characters to vid?
Angel The Series (16) Angel
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (20) Spike so far. But I really want to do a Buffy vid
crossovers of the whedonverse series (10) N/A
Firefly/Serenity (9) Mal
Dollhouse (2) No character studies done yet
Supernatural (1) N/A
Deadwood (1) N/a
Blackadder (1) N/A
Harry Potter (2) No character studies yet but want to do Harry and Hermione (separate)
Amadeus (1) N/A
Some Like It Hot (1) Jack Lemmon
Wallace & Grommit (1) Grommit
Dracula (1992) (1) N/A
House of Flying Daggers (1) Mei
Fifth Element (1) Leeloo
Matrix Trilogy (1) N/A
Elizabeth (1) Elizabeth
Avatar (1) N/A
Day 4 - Do you have a "muse" character or fandom that speaks to you more than others? Who are they,
and why did that character/fandom became your muse?
No particular character but I guess the slayerverse is the fandom that I feel I understand best and are more comfortable vidding there. It's where I started and it constantly draws me back. The fandom has such a diverse range of interesting characters - how can you resist?
5 - If you have ever had a character try to push their way into a vid, what did you do about it?
There's not many AtS Vids (even other character studies) that don't feature a little Angel in them. He gets in everywhere and I kind of just go with it - I do I try to pull it back to the character that I am vidding and limit Angel's appearance to only with those scenes where there is important interaction that reflects upon the primary character of the vid. Most of the character studies include the relationships with others so with that in mind Angel does pop up often ;-)