Title: Partners in Crime
Author: LiLx (
Word Count: 126
Rating: G
Characters: Mulder, Samantha
She’s waiting for him around the corner, behind the
bushes, too young and excited and scared to have made
the journey with him. Fox moves carefully, one foot in
front of the other, to avoid being caught.
“Did you get it?”
He reaches under his t-shirt and pulls out the packaged
ice cream bar. “They only had one left.” The calm in
his voice is betrayed by his shaking hands. He’s never
stolen anything before.
Samantha tears at the wrapper, revealing their prize. A
bead of sweat rolls down his forehead. Unceremoniously,
she breaks it in half, ice cream already beginning to melt.
They savor the taste, the relief from a hot summer day, the
feel of their fingers as they hold hands on the way home.