Vivian just saw me looking at a humorous photo on the web and pointed "Ooh, dumb!"
(My usual greeting to Christine when showing her something silly on the internet is, "Do you want to see something dumb?" So perhaps she now thinks "dumb" = something on the internet.)
Vivian somehow managed to open up her toy kaleidoscope and break the glass of the triangular mirrors inside. So we had to hastily get rid of the toy and vacuum up the glass shards. Afterwards, in the tub, she kept saying to herself: "I broke it!" After a while, she came to a revision: "'Shelle broke it." No pinning this one on Michelle...
Apparently, Vivian is throwing a tantrum because I refuse to allow her to try to plug in a USB-C (well, actually Thunderbolt 3) charging cable into a a Lightning port.
Vivian is still fastidious, and will throw away things she considers dirty. For example, she finished a container of yogurt she was feeding herself (more or less), and then toddled over to the trash to throw it away. Unfortunately, she also threw away the metal spoon I had given her, so I still need to keep an eye on her.
One would hope there's only so much troube she can cause with a locked cell phone, but she's figures out how to slide to get the camera app. So I have dozens (possibly hundreds if you count bursts) of photos of Vivian's feet.
I was getting Vivian ready for a bath the other day while she was in the midst of a tantrum. As I pulled off her shirt and it momentarily covered her face, she very indignantly remarked: "Peek-a-boo!"