Irish Wisdom

Apr 04, 2006 10:17

Long before urban strife manifested in rap battles, people handled their grievances in the time honored tradition of filthy limericks. Over time it evolved into an art form that was limited to making crude references to one particularly lucky gent from Nantucket, but being caught up in the spirit of St. Patrick's Day I thought this a prime time to get back to its roots.

There is no time like the present to use hyperbole and foul language to assail our friends and neighbors needlessly. Lets all do our part to make each other feel a bit smaller and pathetic. I'd prefer to see a shotgun approach to choosing opponents, but if dueling should occur so be it. It's my idea so I'll kick things off.

Joffy lived alone on the 'nets
and flamed all with no regrets
Desperate to be seen
she put her tits on the screen
Her "genius" is really Tourette's.

There once was a hipster named Swain
whose love live was full of pain
For all that he fingered
his emo still lingered
His comic let him whine and complain

Take ten paces, turn, and make fun of someone's mom. Good luck, everyone.
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