Title: Beginnings and Ends
Author: Elli [
Fandom: The Mentalist
Spoilers: 02x09 "Flame Red" but it's really just mentions of things that were said in the
Pairing: Patrick/Teresa
Word Count: 2557
Rating: PG-13
Summary: For a view precious moments he closes his eyes and pretends that she is his and that there is more to life than an empty
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Comments 41
btw- did yo uread the awesome jane/lisbon xmas smut? It's really really good.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this first attempt at fanfic because partly I wrote it for you and billy_red_ocean after our awesome discussion here a few weeks back. I love this show so much, it might be my death one day. :p
Also...O_O...Jana/Lisbon smut???!!! How did I miss that?! FAIL! *runs off to read*
YESSS and goos smut. it's a really sweet fanfic.
I'll read that fic tonight when I have more time and can really enjoy it. *grins*
Good job!
OMG, thank you so much. I was so worried about the characters and about whether all of this made sense but I'm glad you liked it and that maybe it didn't turn out too bad, especially since this is the first fanfic I've ever written.
Thanks again for the lovely review!♥
Trust me, I know about worrying over your fan fiction. I do it every time I post something even though no one has said they've hated anything. And I don't have near the eloquence that you have, heh.
You got nothing to worry about.
I guess everybody is worried about putting their stuff out there and being judged by others. I don't think that's something I'll ever get used to. However, this was so much fun to write and I'm just glad you had fun reading it.
Also, thanks so mcuh betaing this for me! I'm not sure whether I have another story in me. I might be a one-trick-pony *lol* and right now I have term papers to take care of but I love this show so freakin' much that I'm sure gonna try to write more.
Only another 4 days till a new ep!!! *dances*
I... love this. This was mind blowing really. It's kind of like I see their relationship. It's never going to be just roses and sunshine, or hardly that, b/c Jane just has too much darkness in him.
btw- just a little nitpicky, Lisbon's eyes are green ;)
OMG, thank you so much!♥ I was so scared to post this because by the time I had finished it I thought it was all kinds of wrong.
I'm so glad you liked this. Yes, if they were ever to be in a relationship it wouldn't be easy or normal but that's what's so intriguing about them as a couple. AS you can see though, I couldn't help but let love win in the end. ^_^
btw- just a little nitpicky, Lisbon's eyes are green ;)
They are?! O_O OMG, I think I'm colorblind. FAIL!
Edit: You're right, they are. I'm the captain of the USS fail!boat. *lol* Changed that right away though.
They are lol. And canon confirmation is when Jane buys that green necklace and says it matches her eyes.
eta: lol you edited your comment just as I was posting haha
I can't believe how much fun it was to write this story and it makes me so happy that it apparently turned out good. I guess 'believable' is the greatest compliment of all.
You're right. I checked the opening scene from Flame Red and there they were, sparkling green. No idea what I had seen there before but thanks for pointing it out.
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