(no subject)

Oct 17, 2005 10:46

Okay, this will be a long post. Really long. Sorry!

This starts way back to over a week ago. On Thursday morning, I talked to some softlines department managers and found out that no one (NO ONE!) in softlines knew I was even fucking gone. They were just confused/annoyed/PISSED that whoever was working was doing the job WRONG. Then Liz, one of the managers that I quite like, talked to one of the store managers and asked why I had been moved.

Alycia, a store assistant manager, stated it was because I did 'nothing but stand around and talk on the phone all night'.

WTF?? Such BULL. So I was pissed. I finally sat down with /Ron/, our store manager, and explained it all. The stupid cliques and how they make everyone not in them miserable, how I felt that most of the complaints were blown out of proportion or simply frivolous to begin with, how people kept complaining about my productivity and that I 'wandered' even when I was getting all my work down and had perfectly valid reasons for taking five fucking steps out of softlines. Blah blah blah. He said we'd sit down and have a chat with Dan on Tuesday when I came back to work.

Thursday night comes around and I just honestly didn't want to deal with it, so I called in sick and slept. Friday and Saturday I had requested off to hang out with my friend Crystal on her birthday, and Sunday/Monday are my normal nights off, so I had five days off. My paycheck will suck like a vaccuum, but meh. WORTH IT.

Friday I head over to Crystals and waaaaaiiiit for her to get off work. The plan was to go out and get her tattoo--a full back pair of feathered wings. We finally got there around 7.30 and the tattoo was sketched onto her back, but I told Magoo (yes, Magoo, the guy doing the tattoo) that I thought they looked odd because they didn't fill up enough space--there was too much empty space. So he used his scanner and scanned it in in peices, then blew the image up to totally fill her back. It looks pretty awesome. I watched as he tattooed her back.

Also, the TV was on, so I learned a lot more about real estate and autism then I ever though I'd learn. Stupid 20/20.

We were there for THREE HOURS while she was having the actual tat done. And I know Crystal. First off, the dumb bint thought she was gonna go out there along, get the tat and drive home by herself. Uhmmm, no. Secondly, She would have let Magoo continue to work on the tat until he either A) finished or B) she passed out from pain (the latter is, quite honestly, the most likely). So, at this point Magoo had only done the outline, the shafts of the feathers, and a bit of colour. We originally thought the wings would be a lighter blue with some purple, but Magoo went wild with the purple. So, apparently, they were going to be dark purple and maybe blue--I totally suggest a bright blue to contrast well.

Anyway, so I finally call it quits when I see that every time Magoo touches her with the needles her face turns from white to bright red and her leg starts bouncing to compensate for the inability to squirm. It was great, too. Went like this:

Me: Crystal, you're done, it's time to go.
Crystal: ....Okay.... *waits a bit*
Magoo: *getting ready to tortur--ink some more*
Crystal: *sits up a fraction* Uhm, Magoo, I think I'm done for the night... *sounds unsure*
Magoo: Oh, you think so? *BZZZZZ as he starts inking another feather.*

Silly people. But the tat looks decent. We're going to give it a month or so to heal, then we'll go back and she can get it reinked/finished (hopefully). Pictures soon!

Saturday was her party, which was decent. GOD are we nerds. We sit there watching the Dungeons & Dragons Sci-Fi network movie, and they guys are trying to identify classes, levels, items, etc. PATHETIC and so nerdy. *laughs* It /was/ amusing though. The cake was awesome. The party was held in Crystals' parents' basement since there were so many people, but once people had left, and her parents came home, we headed back to her place. Crystal proceeded to get drunk on good wine while we played Lord of the Rings Risk. We didnt go by the rules on how to make sure the game doesn't last FOR FUCKING EVER. So it lasted for six hours. Emily and I would have totally won if we'd used the ring (which moves around the board, and the game ends when it reaches a certain spot). We finally called it quits at six am, and headed home.

I slept soooo much on Sunday. Luverlies.

Monday I went to town and hung out with Josh and Noe. Josh is an awesome guy, gay and fun! :) He makes me grin. We're going to have a D&D game going on Sundays, which'll be fun. Noe is... well, he's cute, and amusing, and so totally 18 (in boy-time I think that's the equivelant of 15?). Crystal had set up a double date with me and Noe, and she was coming with another guy, Will. That was for the following Saturday.

I also met Josh's lesbian friend, Mara, who is a total slut for it. OMG. And she was totally hitting on me, but honeslty, I wasn't intersted. I'm not sure if it was just her looks (she wasn't all that amazing looking.... :\) or mayber her abrasive, bitchy attitude. Probably the latter, maybe a bit of the former. Maybe. I left after a bit and ended up crashing at Crystals again with my wonderful heated blanket because HER HOUSE IS FUCKING FREEZING.

Tuesday I got up when Josh came by to see Crystal (they always have a date on Tuesdays, heh), so I chatted with them a bit before heading home. I did nothing of interest but sleep, really.

During my five day sabbatical, I had come to a decision about work. Basically, the problem was that people were assholes, and I knew that problem wasn't going to change just because I had bitched. I had suggested to one of the department managers I just switch to days, but she had said they'd just finished hiring someone so they had no where to put me. Sad. So I decided I'd simply look for a new job, and once I got it I'd leave Wal Mart.

I approached Ron and explained it...and he told me that when he chatted with Cindy about my problems and that I may be quiting, Cindy said she'd pull me to days and give me whatever shift I wanted because she didn't want to lose me.

Talk about a nice boost to ones ego. Not only were the associates and the department managers enraged on my behalf and wanting me to just switch to days, the /head/ of the department did as well! I felt special, and said I would do it. I stayed late that morning to talk to Cindy about it, we arranged everything, and then the next day (Thursday) I stayed late again to arrange my schedule. I had Friday night off (didn't do anything of interest but sleep again. Oh, and played more of my game, The Longest Journey. It's a fun game, but totally lives up to its name! Heh ^_^), then went to work Saturday. My 'training' consisted of being told "Go do this". So, really, nothing, since I basically knew what to do. Friday night after work, I had my date.

Before I get into that, I should mention that on Monday Josh made a comment about how Noe was here to fuck, not to date. Which confused me...since we were going on a date. I didn't know if I should assume he was kidding, or if he was just using the date as like an interview/screening process for potential fuck buddies. O-o;

We have the date, it was okay, good food at the Japanese restraunt. We went to Crystals and watched movies. First we watched the /original/ Night of the Living Dead. We made fun of it a lot, and when it was over decided we wanted some gory movie to watch. So me and the boys went to Blockbuster while Crystal took a power nap.

They guys both had to sign up for accounts, because we had two coupons for free movies and you couldn't use them at the same time...then Will, the dear, had issues filling out the application, so I had to take his cards and do it for him. Then made him sign his soul away.

We rented "Unded", an Australian-made flick about zombies. It was a cheesy zombie movie, but a really well made zombie movie. The effects were pretty good. I definately recommend it. The best part was a seen between two aliens. One is wearing a cloak and all hidden, and the other isn't:

Clothed Alien: *looks at the other* ...Put your clothes back on.
Unclothed Alien: *Looks at the first alien, then away with a bit of a disdainful arch to his neck.* I'm comfortable with who I am.

THAT above everything, even the one zombie being diced in half with a club--you know, those car security systems?--was what made the movie awesome. Ah, and the Bulletproof Bushman was pretty awesome too. :) Watch the damn movie!

We also got "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" (we wanted a few others, but they were all out), and that was decent. Throughout both movies we were chatting and stuff, so we didnt pay a hundred percent attention to them, but it was okay.

After that, we chatted for a bit, then Crystal went to bed and I gave the boys a ride home. Noe wanted to hang out more, so we did. We chatted about stuff, then he propositioned me for the friends-with-benefits position...and I was tempted, because I'm lonely, and I said I'd think about it and gave him a rain check on sex because A) I wasn't totally comfortable with having sex in my friends living room, on her new Italian Leather sofa, while she was sleeping in her bedroom, and B) I just wasn't comfortable with having sex with Noe at this point.

I took Noe home and went to bed, got up in time for work and called Crystal on my lunch. After work, I went to her place, and we talked about it. Basically I don't think my brain is wired to accept simply a friends-with-benefits arrangement. :( So it's all or nothing, I suppose. Poor Noe, gotta break the news that his rain check has just been voided.

At work there was this ORGASMICALLY hot guy. Tall, darker skin but not too dark, curly longish hair with light brown and blond streaks, FOREIGN accent (don't ask what, I couldn't recognize...nothing in the UK though, that much I can tell, and not asian or anything). HOT. I totally wanted to pounce and lick him. Instead I told a friend of mine, Sunshine. He works in electronics. Then, as I turned to leave, Pretty Boy was standing ten feet behind me. I pointed him out to Sunshine and ran away like a pansy. Meh.

Sunshine has informed me that, as a girl, I have the power to date any man I want. He says that 99% of guys I would ask out would say yes. I argued this point, and somehow it degenerated (I don't think that's the right word, but whatever) into a conversation regarding hookers and how they charge for sex--by the hour or by the service. Then he left, and I was alone. :(

The BEST news I have is this: I arranged to work days at Wal Mart until I get the night job set up. However, the prospects for night work were looking dismal. I applied for a few places, including Amazon (AGAIN???) and a night auditor position at motel 8. Today I got a call from the lady at motel 8!! She wants me to come in for an interview and to complete paper work today, and tonight I can start! WOOHOO. *bounces* Now I just have to get ahold of Cindy and tell her what hours I'm going to work at Wal Mart. I think I'll be working 6-11 (five hour shift, five days a week, so 25 hours) there and a full shift of 40 at Motel 8, so 65 hours a week.... but I might tack on an extra hour at Wal Mart, plus a half hour lunch I'm required to take by law, so maybe work 5-11.30 there and 12-8 at the motel. That would put me at 70 hours a week, plus whatever extra minutes I get for clocking in a bit early, or out a bit late. I will have NO LIFE, but hopefully will save up money, pay on my car, not be dead broke, etc etc. And maybe it'll keep me from being lonely.

And the BEST thing is I will still be working nights and I will still have time to catch my lovely girls online. I heart you, Ninz and Linney. :) <3

So that was what's been going on with me. Sorry if I babbled. I just felt like informing. :p

Bye for now!
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