Harry Potter Meme: Day Four

Aug 19, 2010 19:27

School is already starting to get busy; as a boy in my class pointed out today, it almost feels like summer never happened and we've been in school for months on end, even though today was only the fourth day. It's going to be a long year. But I come bearing three meme entries today, one for Tuesday, Wednesday, and today. Since tomorrow is Friday, I should get a chance to add tomorrow, or I'll double-up again on the weekend or whenever I post again. But on with the meme!

Day Four: Least fave female character and why.

Maybe it's because I wanted Harry to get together with Ginny, or I was angry with her for being so jealous over Hermione or so emotional over Cedric, but Cho Chang has always annoyed me a little bit. Mostly it's her character in the book that really annoys me - her personality shows through more in the book, and it's the personality that tends to annoy me. In the movie, I'm mad that she betrayed the DA group, but she didn't really get the chance to get on my nerves more, and I almost felt bad when everyone stonily ignored her, even though they found out the truth had been taken through a potion, and not because she squealed. But despite this, I am so glad that Harry ended up with Ginny, and I think Cho should end up with a nice, normal guy who would make her life a happy ending, after all the stuff she had to go through. I would just prefer that she stay as far away from the main characters as possible...

meme: harry potter, !meme

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