-straight-edge; took 14 hrs. for tattoed wings on back; first tattoo was an eagle, but he doesn't have it anynore; b-day: November 20, 1975; scorpio and born in the year of the rabbitt; vegetarian for 11 years, vegan for 8; was once mistaken as a madonna impersonator; favorite band: the cure; played soccer in high school; middle name: Lee; involved in high school choir; electrocuted 3 times; hates flying; hates large outdoor music festivals "in the middle of nowhere; currently working with Jade on side project:Blaqk Audio; "boyfriend":Johnny Depp; worked another short side project, Son of Sam w/:London May, Todd Youth, Steve Zing, and Danzig; confessed to dancing like snoopy; declared the best at DAnce Dance Revolution by everyone in the band; lived in NY until he was 5; grandmother's next-door neighbor was named Corey; paints his toenails; first CD: AC/DC-back in black; repeatedly tries to put DVDs in his cd player; has often had late night Patty-cake encounters with Jade; doesn't wear socks to bed; when asked about crooked teeth:"I don't mind me one snaggle tooth in an otherwise tight grill"; dedicated first show on the STS tour to Elliott Smith; favorite roller coaster: X; plays the flamingly gay sidekick puppet in Live Freaky Die Freaky!; doesn't really enjoy golf, but likes to play rugby; If he was stuck on a deserted island w/ his bandmates he would eat Adam first: "the other lean meat"; prefers green apples and likes his apples in a pie; use to sleep with a stuffed dog named "petey" stopped when he was 12 because it was falling apart;