Title: The Calypso Initiative
theficisalieBand(s): My Chemical Romance [Fall Out Boy, Cobra Starship, The Used, Panic At The Disco, Black Cards, Butch Walker]
Pairing(s): Frank/Gerard [Pete/Mikey, implied Vicky/Gabe, Bert/Quinn]
Word Count: 90,000
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 / Bullying, what could potentially be seen as self-harm, (the description might be triggering), graphic violence, sexy times.
A/N: Proper thanks to all the peeps who fixed things for me.
phelixstar for keeping me checked on my Used characterization (I probably still didn't do them justice, but I tried?!?!?!).
mugsyface for Mikey's Christmas present to Frank and probably other miscellany that comes out of her brain and that I stole and knit together in this fic.
kazzbot for going through everything and making sure I stayed on track especially when I forgot to explain things (oops).
shescatatonic for taking out all errant commas and flailing with me and making sure I wrote and editing and everything ever.
inabathrobe listens to me talking about fic and telling me I should write it even though she isn't in bandom. AND
restlesslikeme for listening and fixing and generally being a pretty excellent muse even though she doesn't 100% love MCR fic, she loves me and that's good enough.
Could not have done it without these lovely folks so all the hearts go to you. You guys I did it, I did it! And I'm nervous and afraid but they keep telling me it's good, so you can blame them if it isn't. HAH.
Without further ado...
Summary: AU: A rise in technological and medical advancements combined with an unexpected surge in mutations around the globe can only mean one thing: superpowers. As a child born before the information boom of 2010 rocked the world with the official news of these "SuperHumans", Frank Iero was kicked out onto the street at nine years old. His power seems to be more of a curse than a blessing: his body creates and leaks a net of energy that sets those who are unaware of it on edge. He is saved at first by a rogue agent of the government who understands the plight of the homeless children, and then by a small team of government agents who bring him into The Institute: an underground compound set up by the government to teach those with emerging superpowers how to control and use their gifts.
Frank finally has a place where he seems to belong, and a group of friends: Mikey Way, a telepath; Gerard Way, whose body is a vacuum that neutralizes energy; and Ray Toro, a healer. All is far from perfect, however. Frank’s powers and training are put to the ultimate test when he has to fight both evil and betrayal to save not only the world, but also the best family he’s ever known.
Master Post |
Extras Post (spoilers!!!!! :D) |
AO3 ProloguePart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9Part 10Part 11Part 12Part 13Part 14Part 15Part 16Part 17Part 18Part 19