Welp, everyone else was doing it.
1. Get to Generation Eight.
Probably not such a pipe dream, considering that Rissa is currently pregnant with the first kidlet or kidlets of gen eight. Mostly that particular goal is waiting on me to finish up the shooting I need Rissa to still be pregnant for. But I don't just want gen eight to be born, I want it to be in college and officially be writing chapters starting with an 8.
2. Get to Generation Nine.
Less likely, but I might get lucky right at the end of the year. *shrug* I might make it to at least my gen eight heiress getting knocked up. Who knows?
3. Post at least one chapter a month.
I did have a loose once-a-month thing going for a while, then exams and NaNo and such just screwed all that right up. I'd like to try and get back into that. Possibly even do better.
4. Take more picspam pictures.
I don't have a rotation, so it's harder for me to create BTS posts with any great substance other than the odd amusing glitch. I'd like to do something about this. I don't know what, but when I figure it out, I'll do it. :-P
5. Be more active on BoolProp.
I've been pretty bad about commenting lately, so I've been taking steps to fix up that particular problem. I also need to start commenting on things I've read but am still lurking on, and finish up some stories I've started but not totally finished (Lily's apoc, Lauri's legacy, Jamie's legacy, Widget's legacy, Ang's legacy... yeah, it's a big list >.>). And it probably wouldn't hurt me to take part in some other forum-y things.
6. Moar drabbles.
I need to start writing more for the sake of writing. Especially since I have a new generation on the way that needs characterisation. Drabbles can never hurt.