It's been a while since I've done a BTS post, but since this chapter was important in a couple of ways I probably need to talk a little bit about it.
7.10 is the last true chapter in Generation Seven. I will be doing a transition chapter of sorts, which will be an experiment, but there won't be any plotty bits in it. And because it's just transition, I'm going to try something a little different with it... Anyway.
That doesn't mean we have all of Gen Eight yet. I'm planning on letting Rissa and Theo have one more kid together in the next chapter (which is why it's going to be very interesting in the format I intend to present it in). ONE kid. No more twins, d'you two hear?
I am very very much going to miss writing for Rissa, though. If she seemed a bit unusually sentimental at the end of 7.10, that's why. The next real chapter will be gen eight at college, and that's going to run for a whole four chapters according to my plan. (Though, my plans rarely work out exactly how I planned them.) Rissa has been a wonderful character in so many ways. Most of all, I'll probably miss the crazy hair. Though, from a shooting perspective, I won't miss reshooting because of continuity issues.
So! Now that that's out of the way, time for a little bit of picspam!
The wedding took place in a photoshoot 'hood, which was a headache and then some (but infinitely preferable to shooting in Veronaville proper). So the actual proposal and wedding both happened on the back doorstep of the house. Similarly, Suze and Parker never actually left on honeymoon - they were mostly hiding in the study while I was shooting.
*sigh* This was Rissa's original outfit for the wedding, which I swapped when Rose found me a better one with boots. This picture is mostly to point out that I am stupid and forgot Rissa's tattoo during the wedding.
See? There are only about three frames in which you can actually see Rissa's back in the wedding, so it wasn't a huge drama. I couldn't reshoot them anyway, if I'd wanted to.
I also forgot Suze's glow, but I fugred she'd switch that off for the wedding or something. Again, it's something I wouldn't be willing to reshoot since a) I couldn't, and b) it was a nitpick.
I went a little crazy with the CC for the wedding. Well, Suze did the whole bridezilla thing so well, I just figured she'd spend a fortune on roses that were exactly the right shade of cream or ivory or whatever. There was a gazebo I wanted to use originally, but the mesh was impossible to find, and... well, I gave up. Oh well.
The guests! It was a bit tricky figuring out who should sit where, but in the end I think things ended up very dimplomatic. I think I had too much fun with this, actually. *sheepish*
So here we have Robbie, Marina and Cait. I do wonder what they're talking about.
Tempe, Rose and SimFire are all together here. SimFire got a bit of a makeover between 7.9 and 7.10, as we shall see later. I was very careful not to seat Tempe with Lark, as I think she might have expired from sheer terror between the entree and the main course. :-P
Lark was seated with James, Faith and their daughter Eva. I slipped up a bit by putting Lark and Faith in much the same dress, and by having Faith and Cait wear purple and the same hairstyle, but... eh. The looks suited them all, and I didn't want to download more formal CC as I have far too much as is.
Hee. I love the Hell Twins. I never made it clear, though I did allude to it this chapter, that Mari and Zee do have a supernatural ability. They can communicate telepathically with each other, and manipulate others' minds to allow them to hide. Only catch is, they have to be within a few metres of each other to mess with peoples' minds.
Naturally, the twins have Naomi and Adam to keep an eye on them here. Adam *is* there, but cut off for some reason.
This table might have a few less familiar faces. Matt there is Tempe and Rin's older brother. The redhead is his wife Karen, and their son Geoff has his back to us. The blonde is Wendy Kimbrell, Geoff's girlfriend.
And of course, at the head table is Suze and Parker, and Rissa, Theo and Lisbeth.
Adorable Lisbeth is adorable. (For the record, her unwillingness to talk isn't something supernatural. I was going to mention this, but as plans work out how they will... Lisbeth just has trouble with social interactions. If I could classify it, it'd be a mild for of Asperger syndrome, but that usually doesn't have language issues associated with it. Lisbeth's just special.)
Clearly, Clone!Suze is a cake smoosher. Doesn't really work for her character, but... IDK. Maybe she got a bit more mellow as the wedding progressed? Or she got hammered on champagne.
Speaking of champagne. How are you doing that with your arm, Cait? Looks painful o_O
Rose drew the short straw to be picked on by the Hell Twins. Though, if you notice, Lark cornered Tempe there as well. Probably to talk about her new nickname. :D
That's about it for the wedding. Most of what came from the wedding wasn't picspammy, just endless shots that never got used. I take far too many pictures, tbh.
Roooooooobbie. <3 Ages ago, Cait and I cooked up the idea that he'd get alien pregnant and Rissa would take him maternity shopping, with ensuing hilarity. I found the dress he wore on GoS somewhere. Just a tip, it is really hard to find good drag without boobs. Nearly impossible, actually. I am incredibly lucky I found what I did.
Robbie's house is one I made, and it's vaguely based on a friend's house back home. I love the wall of books they have in the dining room. And just everything about it. I don't think I did it justice.
Tempe showed up in Robbie's welcome wagon, to my extreme surprise.
Then Fire showed up too, and I figured she dragged Tempe along to make her be sociable for once. :D
I cheated a bit to get Robbie abducted. I don't have any hack in, so I changed his aspiration temporarily and used the Knowledge perk to get him abducted. As soon as he was dropped back, he got switched back to Family.
Poor boy. *snickers* His facial expressions are priceless, always.
Once again, I used a photoshoot 'hood for the maternity shopping scene. This scene took me a while to get done, thanks being mostly to all the photobombing townies. Yeah, I'm looking at you, Straight Hair Yoga Outfit.
The glitch that had rain coming in through the ceiling didn't help, either. I don't know why this happened.
This amused me. Rissa gave this poor townie a death glare, and the townie subsequently vacated the room. The ire of Rissa is terrifying indeed.
One more shot of Robbie in the dress, because he looks so PRETTY. :D
Robbie's pregnancy in the real 'hood was pretty uneventful, mostly because I sped it up after his scene as pregnant!Robbie. He spent most of it in his studio, painting horses apparently.
Anywhoo, this is Clover! Clover is the spawn of Robbie, obviously, and one of my PT replacements. I use fwiffo's set, and I believe Clover is the daughter of PT #14. She's mostly Robbie, face-wise, apart from the ZOMG EYES. She's adorable, and as an adult she looks permanently distressed.
The other major non-Chandler couple in Veronaville is, of course, the Fitzhugh-Rosenberg-Doran lot. I didn't have them in until I decided I needed someone to keep Rissa from destroying Robbie. I didn't intend Barbara to get pregnant, though, until she and Rhys both rolled the baby want. Barbara also has a Get Engaged to Rhys want, while he has both the want and the fear. As soon as that fear vanishes, he's getting engaged. It will be good for him.
I also love that this is the first interaction they had on the lot.
Their house is a Maxis hacienda I totally remodeled. Now it's actually functional!
True to form, Rhys' X chromosome won out and gave me Linnaea. It's tradition to give Rhys' female kids a flower name, and I'm not one to buck tradition. Linnaea is some kind of pretty Swiss flower. It's pink and bell shaped. IDK, I just liked the name.
Linnaea, or Lynn as she will usually be called, is a Rhys clone. She looks exactly like him apart from the hair and skin, and has his personality exactly. Be afraid.
Speaking of kidlets, we didn't get a really good look at Delia and Alexia in the chapter.
Delia looks a lot like Rissa, as Lisbeth does. She's a little different, though - where Lisbeth has Theo's brow, Delia has Theo's jawline. She's still awesome.
And here's Alexia. Alexia has a better mix of her parents; she has Rissa's nose, but the mouth and eyes are definitely Theo's. I'm very happy with the colouring variation this gen, though. Nobody has the same mix as anyone else so far, and I have all possible hair and skintones. I just hope number four has Rissa's light blue eyes.
Lynn and Lexie gravitated towards each other pretty quickly. I think they're going to be great friends. Mua ha ha. See the fear in Lexie's eyes? :D
Having Rin back for the dream was a blast. I do miss her a lot, and bringing her in just seemed to work for where Rissa was at in the story.
Speaking of Rin, the shot of her as a ghost was totally impromptu. She happened to be haunting the night I was shooting for the end of the dream sequence, and she looked so thoughtful that I had to take a shot and use it somehow. It's like she knew.
*sigh* It was so hard getting what I wanted for this scene. I hunted for a while for elder outfits - the dustfinger conversion of the kimonos was easy enough to find, but I couldn't find the lumberjack outfit I wanted for Parker. In the end I just went Hawaiian. As you do.
Suze and Rissa were scheduled to have one final blowout in this chapter, but I decided that I was sick of them fighting. Suze can't hold a grudge for that long, and I figured Parker had plenty of time to mellow her out.
Er, not sure why I took this shot. Maybe to show off De's fabulous painting of Lindsay in Suze and Parker's room? HIIIIIIIIII NOT!DEAD LINDSAY.
Couple of non-specific odds and ends to tidy up. Fire got herself a makeover, as I mentioned. I wear glasses a lot more now than I used to, so she got glasses. I bought that particular t-shirt from Topatoco, so she got one as well. She has slightly new makeup and boots. It's fun messing around with Simselves.
Rissa finished her LTW somewhere in there. She wanted to be a Mad Scientist (hence, the plot) and managed it. Theo wants 50 Dream Dates, which HELL NO. Sorry bb, you'll have to fill up your lifetime bar or get a genie lamp or something.
This comes up every chapter. I keep forgetting to change Rissa's hair. Ignore the champagne glasses, that was for a bit of dilaogue that I edited out. I reshot the whole scene anyway.
And finally - my butler is the king of photobombing. He does crazy things to try and make it into chapters. Tsk.
That's all I have for this chapter! 7.11 is going to be an adventure - I hope it works.