i'm not sure of the role that music is playing in my life these days. i think it's just making me sad... and making me miss her. i've actually had to make an effort (because of my fun collection) to listen to music that's NOT about a girl / love. tomorrow should be interesting. let's see how it plays out.
what the FUCK? at school 18 hours a day. drawing constantly. got the only A on an assignment... ONLY A he's given to anyone in our class. i have a new car. i washed him the other day. i'm making friends at school. life is sweet.
so where's the anger coming from? i'm not an angry boy... fuck.
enjoy them while they're open. unfortunately the world and it's stupid gravity always leads to them closing. looking back at windows that were open, and now are closed... i realize that i definitely should've taken advantage of them.