So. Hi. Earlier, I, um, made myself sick by eating an entire jar of pickles. It wasn't a small jar, either. I have no idea what I was thinking, and in fact I'm fairly well convinced I wasn't thinking. Just - there was a jar of pickles. About an hour later, the jar was there, but it contained only a small amount of brine and some random floating
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Comments 82
Yup, I got them, and I should totally have emailed you to let you know. Sorry! But I have a draft to you sitting in Gmail, and when coherence takes me for more than ten minutes running, I will get it out to you. (In other words, I'm about to crash right now, but tomorrow morning, whether I can type complete sentences or not.)
Japan's made wasabi ice cream. Not quite dill pickle sorbet, but close enough.
Japan's made wasabi ice cream. Not quite dill pickle sorbet, but close enough.
...You know, wasabi ice cream actually sounds kind of good. Hmmm. Insanity is clearly overtaking me. Possibly now is when I should start to worry?
I agree that bacon doesn't belong in ice cream. Of course, if I had my way, bacon wouldn't be anywhere. Though bacon chocolate - something neither of us can eat - does exist.
Here's a short list of weird ice creams. There's a longer one somewhere, but I can't find it.
Apparently, I have rec'd precisely the right amount of stories set in sexually flexible science fiction universes!
Blair really does have a hell of a mediation technique here, doesn't he? *g* Jim's so repressed, but Blair's so persuasive. Man, I miss those two sometimes.
I can see how it would skirt close to triggering an embarrassment squick, but I'm glad it manages to not quite push you over that edge.
I still have that moment of embarrassment aura, but fortunately I can remind myself that the embarrassment isn't coming and keep on reading.
Man, I miss those two sometimes.
*wistful sigh*
Oh, me too. I mean, I can always go back and re-read the stories, and there are new ones still coming out, but - it was my first TV fandom! My first non-canon fandom! Whenever I think of Jim and Blair, I get all nostalgic.
Okay, those are four words I never really needed to read in that order...
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