Title: On The Ice [1/?]
my_life_myway33Pairing: Gerard Way/Pete Wentz
Rating: NC-17
POV: Gerard’s
Word Count: 242
Summary: The world was his when he was on the ice.
Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me but the words and the plot.
Warnings: There’ll be sex in here eventually, I’m pretty sure…
“Come on kid! Let me show you some moves, please?!” I begged and my brother batted at me.
“Can’t you ever be a man?”
“What do you mean, a man? I’m very much man! In fact I’m all man!”
“Right, all man. Make up and dresses, and figure skating a man it does not make!”
“But under all that kid, I’m all man.”
“You’re sick, Gerard. You have sex with men, you wear women’s clothes and now you’re taking up ice skating? Why can’t you do one thing right? Play Hockey!”
“Oh like you? You know, mom is just as proud of me as she is of you! Don’t you get it Mikey? It’s not the things you were or the activities you take up, it’s your attitude.”
“Whatever Gerard.”
I watched my brother get to his feet and walk out on me, not for the first time in my life and not for the last either. Sometimes it really hurt having conversations like those with my own brother, wasn’t he one of the few people that was supposed to love me? Stand up for me? Was he supposed to be one of the ones that gave me black eyes and broken ribs?
I looked down at my body, pink cast on my left arm, beautiful, brand new, white Ice skates, and my red skating dress. I sighed, shook my head and got carefully to my blades and headed for the ice.
Next Part:
Chapter 2 - His Perfection