The Friday Five for February 21, 2020

Feb 21, 2020 13:33

1. Would you rather have the unpredictability of live theatre or the predictability of a movie?
2. Do you prefer the symphony and/or opera to a live band or the other way around?
3. When you go to a museum, where do you head first?
4. Would you prefer a pub crawl or a sampling of beer or wine in one restaurant?
5. When you visit a new place, what is the first thing you like to visit - something recommended by a travel agency/travel book or something recommended by a friend?

Copy and paste to your own journal, then reply to this post with a link to your answers. If your journal is private or friends-only, you can post your full answers in the comments below.

If you'd like to suggest questions for a future Friday Five, then do so on DW or LJ. Old sets that were used have been deleted, so please feel free to suggest some more!

**Remember that we rely on you, our members, to help keep the community going. Also, please remember to play nice. We are all here to answer the questions and have fun each week. We repost the questions exactly as the original posters submitted them and request that all questions be checked for spelling and grammatical errors before they're submitted. Comments re: the spelling and grammatical nature of the questions are not necessary. Honestly, any hostile, rude, petty, or unnecessary comments need not be posted, either.**
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