This week's questions have been brought to you by
heartjam, the letter F, and the number 5...
- Smells, and memories. Do you have a scent that when you smell it, brings up a memory? Do share.
- Songs. Is there a particular song that brings back happy memories? Song title and memory, if you care to share that much.
- How about a song that brings up painful memories?
Song title and memory, if you care to share that much.
- Food. Is there a certain food that conjures up memories?
- Clothing? Do you have an item of clothing or if you see a certain item, does it make you think of a time/place or person?
Copy and paste to your own journal, then reply to this post with a link to your answers.
If you'd like to suggest questions for a future Friday Five, then do so here: Old sets that were used have been deleted, so please feel free to suggest some more! Remember that we rely on you, our members, to help keep the community going.