Well bub, I've been the nice guy and shit on too...so don't be hiding behind that. If her and I didn't still have feeling for each other and she didn't come to ME for support about these things then I wouldn't have to get involved. However, she supports my views and feelings about this. Being nice and being a gentleman towards a lady doesn't include fighting back to the extent you did. There should have been other ways to handle that, you should have been thinking of one
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If you EVER call me a low-life shit whore again.. my typically non-violent personality could get quite pissy. Being called a whore is one of those things that makes me that way. The only low-life in this situation is you, and I honestly wouldn't waste my time and effort on someone who is such a fucking moron that they can't realize that name calling is a little first-grade thing. GROW THE FUCK UP, Get a set of balls and be a fucking man instead of trying to act big and tough. I can say with honesty that D always has been and always will be a better person than you, because he is a good person, intelligent, loving, and actually is capable of thinking about others instead of himself (like you), and ESPECIALLY because he doesn't go around trying to fuck up other people's lives and relationships when they 'claim' to be a friend. You're a two-faced lying SOB to tell him to his face you want to be friends then talk shit to her behind his back, and give her reasons to come back to you. SHE DOESN'T WANT YOU, GET OVER IT!!! You had no business
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two words: FUCK YOU. You got what you wanted, so back the fuck off and leave D alone. And stop with the name calling already, if you claim that you're so mature and such a good guy, then act like it instead of using little first-grade cop outs like calling me a cocky whore and and ass clown and all that bullshit. And just an FYI (since I don't understand your obsession with calling me a whore..) --- how the hell can I be a whore if #1 - D is my best guy friend ONLY, he's like a brother to me, and I'm sticking up for him because this whole thing has gotten blown out of proportion with everyone saying all kinds of shit, and feelings have been stressed and hurt.. and #2.. the only person that I slept with has been my boyfriend of three and a half years and never once have I ever cheated (or even thought about it). And every person that I know would say that I am a very respectful, honest, caring, intelligent, responsible person, and I just don't see whore fitting in that category. SO, let's just get that straight right now. Call me a
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Comments 8
What in the world is going on!!! Can't we just all get along?
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