Hi everyone, this is pennies_4_eyes with the results of the poll on whether we should take a short break until the new season airs in the US.
31 folks voted, 6 for keeping on as we are and 25 for taking a short break.
So we're definitely going to take a break. But it won't be a long one. And we WILL be returning (never fear).
Over the next week we mods will be discussing the exact length of the hiatus and we'll be updating with plenty of info so no one gets lost during the break. We'll all refuel our muses and return after Season 2 with even more fuel for fic.
Thanks to everyone! This place has generated an astonishing amount of amazing fiction and that's all you!
And don't forget, There's still a little while to vote for your favorite Cycle 4 stories, so if you haven't voted yet. Voting on the current Cycle closes on December 31st at 11pm GMT. The stories this month were incredible!