i've decided that i hate alcohol. and will hate it forever. i hate not being able to remember 75% of what happened the night before. i hate hearing stories about my disturbing behavior and learning that i've disappointed some people. gah. so stupid sometimes. mah! i dunno. i'm crazy.
it's dangerous having a vietnamese restaraunt only 1 minute away from my house. i constantly crave pho, and i constantly satisfy my craving by going there. this needs to stop.
i feel like i've been working everyday. it is fiiiinally my day off, and you'd think i'd be excited. bah. there's nothing to do, and i'm starving.
i've been trying to eat a lot healthier lately. also, i've started doing these pilates dvds that my mom was sucked into buying. she never uses it. it's pretty hardcore. meh.