This ought to bring back some IC account of a battle fought by the Garou in Seattle on August 12, 2000. Somebody preserved it on the web.
The Battle of the Arboretum
I now begin the Tale of the Battle of the Arboretum, wherein the Garou of the Sept of the Crystal Lotus, along with their allies, defeated the forces of Beast of War and his servant, Hellbringer, ending their six-month war. I name the names of the dead only that they may be remembered by those who did not know them, and honored as such. If I err in naming ranks, auspices, breeds, or tribes, I apologize in advance. There are so many to remember, and so little time in which to remember them all before war calls us again.
So we have now come to the final chapter of our war against the filthy spawn of Malfeas, the weakened spot in the Umbra in our protectorate, the Anchorhead at Black River. We had fought off assaults upon many of Gaia's sacred places, and even had the sacrifice of one who died to destroy the main protective sphere of malevolent energy at Black River. But now it was time for action to end this portion of the conflict once and for all.
Over the weeks, the many strongholds of the Wyrm had erected black domes of nearly impenetrable energy, within which they contained howling storms of flesh, blood, and bone. To resist the Wyrm forces that were thus freed to attack, the spirits of Wyld and Weaver throughout the city erected their own domes, as taught to them by the mysterious aid of the powerful madman known as Nigel. Thus we had a standoff, with neither side strong enough to penetrate the defenses of the other.
However, with the destruction of the Black River dome by Morgana Isolde, the Adren Ahroun who left us as a Metis and Shadow Lord, consumed in the destruction, to return as a Homid and Black Fury, reborn and restored, the Wyrm forces despaired. They began to gather what strength they had left, unwisely choosing to attack, as Beast of War's minions can not fathom being on the defensive for very long.
Scouts aplenty filled the umbral sky, the raven minions of Samantha Sykes, the Elder Corax who has chosen our Sept as her own. The Wyrm's own eyes in the sky had been blinded forever when the Garou of our Sept lured the Flock of Shadow into a tunnel in the ground and buried them but scant days before. They saw that the Banes of the Wyrm forces began to move, and it was clear where they were heading: the Arboretum. The Arboretum in the Realm is a beautiful garden maintained in part by the University of Washington and in part by the city department in charge of parks. There do rare and wonderful flowers, shrubs, and trees grow, imported from around the world. It is a stronghold of the Wyld, and practically glows with life in the Umbra. If the Wyrm was going to go down fighting, it would try to damage one of the most powerful sites of the Wyld within the city's umbrascape.
But there was another reason for their coming. The madman, Nigel, had brought friends, and with them a plan to destroy all of the Wyrm's protective domes. He said that should all of the similar domes being maintained by the Wyld and Weaver spirits in the city be released at once, the energy thus freed would go to him and his friends, and they would channel it into a destructive force to break the Wyrm's grip on its strongholds. The Garou agreed. Nigel and his companions set themselves up in the most powerful area still held by the Wyld in the city: the Arboretum.
Thus knowing that the ritual would take some time, and that the Wyrm was sure to attack, Skadi Gridarvold, Athro Lupus Galliard Get of Fenris, the Beta of the Sept and the chosen warleader, devised a plan, which was approved by our Sept Alpha, Solomoriah Son-of-the-Hunter, Athro Lupus Philodox Silent Strider. She created six distinct fighting groups to trap the Wyrm's forces.
Skadi deployed our forces into a V-shape. With the Wyrm attacking from the south, the point of the V was to the North, at the southernmost edge of the Arboretum. She positioned one group at each end of the V, one at the point, and one still further back directly protecting Nigel and his companions performing the Rite. Finally, we had our standard Caern guardians at the heart, and she put a group of the youngest and most inexperienced, guided by the Den Mother with some assistance, upon the bawn of the Caern, but not at the heart, as is usual for us (for that way a strike at the heart of the Caern is not also a strike at the cubs, and vice versa).
The Wyrm's forces came to attack. First, its forces fell upon the two ends of the V-shape. To the east, this meant the Guardian Hearts, one of the Weeping Sky, the visitors from Rightful Justice, and others chosen to assist them. Hear now as I tell the names of those who stood in this place:
Skadi Gridarvold (ooc: Peg Brewer), Wolf-born gibbous-moon Athro of the Get of Fenris, Sept Beta of the Crystal Lotus, Alpha of the Guardian Hearts.
Brian MacDugan (ooc: Brian Decker), Human-born gibbous-moon Athro of the Glass Walkers, Master of Challenges of the Crystal Lotus, Alpha of the Weeping Sky.
Dave (ooc: Jay Becker), Human-born no-moon Fostern of the Bone Gnawers, Packmate among the Guardian Hearts.
John Do White-Noise-Maker (ooc: Derek Choi, by proxy), human-born no-moon Adren of the Glass Walkers, Alpha of Rightful Justice, coming to aid us from Los Angeles, California.
Darion Drake Loads-the-Dice (ooc: Matt Pasmore), Human-born full-moon Fostern of the Glass Walkers, Packmate among Rightful Justice, coming to aid us from Los Angeles, California.
Eddy Lee Red-Dragon-Rising (ooc: Eddy Lee, by proxy), Human-born half-moon of the Glass Walkers, Packmate among Rightful Justice, coming to aid us from Los Angeles, California.
To the west, this meant the Cleansing Fire and those who assisted them:
Morgana Isolde Green-Knight-of-Gaia (ooc: Jenny Roberts), Garou-born but now Homid full-moon Adren of the Black Furies, Eldest Ahroun of the Crystal Lotus, Alpha-in-War of the Cleansing Fire.
Marcus Greene Speaks-as-Many (ooc: Wade Racine), Garou-born half-moon Athro of the Silver Fangs, Eldest Philodox of the Crystal Lotus, Beta-in-War of the Cleansing Fire.
Falcon's-Song of Two-Moons (ooc: Teresa Mae-Ann Riddle, by proxy), Wolf-born full-moon Adren of the Silver Fangs, Packmate of the Cleansing Fire.
Declan Bruce (ooc: Jeff Carnegie), Human-born no-moon Adren of the Fianna, Keeper of the Land of the Crystal Lotus, Packmate of the Judges of the Dead.
Nessa Walks-in-Shadow (ooc: Autum Groves, by proxy), Human-born crescent-moon Adren of the Stargazers, Packmate of the Guardian Hearts.
Banshee (ooc: George Chance, by proxy), Human-born no-moon Elder of the Fianna, Packmate of those who follow Weasel, coming to aid us from his many travels.
Morghen Odinsonn Howls-in-Fury-as-He-Claws-at-the-Wyrm (ooc: Jason Perfetto, by proxy), Garou-born full-moon Fostern of the Get of Fenris, Packmate among the Pack of Doom, coming to aid us from Rochester, New York.
In the center, ready to reinforce either of the wings to the south, stood most of the Judges of the Dead and other Silent Striders, ready to swifty move wherever our forces were weakest. They were:
Solomoriah Son-of-the-Hunter (ooc: Aaron Clements, by proxy), Wolf-born half-moon Athro of the Silent Striders, Sept Leader of the Crystal Lotus, Beta of the Guardian Hearts.
Hathor Drinks-the-Night (ooc: Erica Winberry), Human-born crescent-moon Adren of the Silent Striders, Packmate among the Judges of the Dead.
Rhah Races-the-Sun (ooc: Marshall Hunter), Lupus-born full-moon Fostern of the Silent Striders, Packmate among the Judges of the Dead.
Taryn Sea (ooc: Sarah Heffron), Human-born half-moon Fostern of the Fianna, Packmate among the Judges of the Dead.
Samantha Sykes (ooc: Suzanne Jachim), Human-born Elder of the Corax, Packmate among the Weeping Sky.
Walks-the-World (ooc: Buell Richardson), Homid-born crescent-moon Fostern of the Silent Striders, Chosen of Phoenix, Last Guardian of the Sept of the Second Chance.
Arnold (ooc: Jonathan Haynes), Human-born half-moon Adren of the Stargazers, newly arrived in this area.
Guarding those who performed the Ritual were a war pack sent to us by the Sept of the Sacred Rose, our faithful allies to the south, as well as others:
Arjuna Seeks-the-Sun (ooc: Matt Skau), Human-born full-moon Elder of the Stargazers, Packmate of the Guardian Hearts.
Moon-in-the-Wind (ooc: David Turner), Human-born crescent-moon Athro of the Children of Gaia, Alpha of the War Pack of the Sacred Rose.
Makes-Hearts-Light (ooc: Ted Davis), Human-born gibbous-moon Elder of the Wendigo, Packmate of the War Pack of the Sacred Rose.
Gavin O'Connell (ooc: Christopher Cullins), Human-born gibbous-moon Athro of the Stargazers, Packmate of the War Pack of the Sacred Rose.
Lucci Luciano (ooc: Matthew Brooks), Human-born full-moon Adren of the Glass Walkers, Packmate of the War Pack of the Sacred Rose.
Bites-Her-Nails (ooc: Keri Urban), Human-born half-moon Adren of the Bone Gnawers, Packmate of the War Pack of the Sacred Rose.
Finally, guarding the cubs, we had the Den Mother, two additional guardians, and the Cliath:
Isolde Firedrinker Kelly (ooc: JoAnna Redman-Smith), Human-born gibbous-moon Athro of the Fianna, Den Mother of the Crystal Lotus, Beta of the Judges of the Dead.
Paws-on-the-Wind (ooc: Nathan Thayer), Human-born half-moon Athro of the Silent Striders, Packmate of the War Pack of the Sacred Rose.
Nicholas Karpov (ooc: Andrew Montgomery, by proxy), Human-born full-moon Adren of the Silver Fangs, Packmate of the War Pack of the Sacred Rose.
Amber Dragon (ooc: Paula Cullins), Human-born full-moon Cliath of the Glass Walkers, Packmate of the War Pack of the Sacred Rose.
Elainya Questions-the-Balance (ooc: Chenaya Strutton), Human-born half-moon Cliath of the Silver Fangs, Packmate of the War Pack of the Sacred Rose.
Brigid Kilpatrick (ooc: Jennifer Truni), Human-born no-moon Cliath of the Fianna, come to aid us from Tacoma, Washington.
Gunnar Helmersson Anvil-of-Pain-Where-Breaks-the-Wyrm (ooc: Wade Racine), Human-born crescent-moon Cliath of the Get of Fenris, Packmate of the Guardian Hearts.
Beth Rips-Out-Heart-Cries-in-Anger (ooc: Erin Boxley, by proxy), Human-born full-moon Cub of the Black Furies, one among those being protected who would be of note.
Thomas Anvil-Breaker (ooc: Robert Rossel), Human-born full-moon Cliath of the Get of Fenris, come to aid us from Los Angeles, California.
All the rest of our Sept and visitors that I did not name were guarding the heart of our caern, and their service is honored.
The attacks came swift and furious. The group to the east, led by Skadi Gridarvold, came under heavy assault by pools of shapeshifting inky blackness, supported by the inimitable black lions, corrupted children of the old totem of the White Howlers. They fought long and hard, aided in no small part by the guns of the Glass Walkers of Rightful Justice and the pinpoint accuracy of Dave of the Bone Gnawers with his sniper rifle. Though many wounds were suffered, they took no scars that day, chewing through the last desperate gasp of the Wyrm with skill and elan.
To the west, the Cleansing Fire fought in pure darkness, as the dark masses cast their pall over the fight. Declan Bruce bent his bow many times, filling at least one of the things, which had taken wing in the sky, with arrows, while Nessa Walks-in-Shadow watched his back. Banshee's huge sword sang a tune through the dark air, as he single-handedly mauled one of the monsters on his own. Meanwhile, Samantha Sykes came to assist from the center, casting rays of pure sunlight down upon one of the foe, exposing it to view. It cast tentacles out at her, and they struggled in the air. The song of Banshee's sword was joined by the crackling of the Grand Klaive of Marcus Greene as he and his packmate, Morgana, fought off first one horror, and then another, cooperating as packmates should. Falcon's Song leaping into the fray with them. Morghen Odinsonn was hard pressed, pierced again and again by writhing tendrils that became spikes as hard as steel. After several grievous wounds (and one which caused him a new battle scar), he moved to retreat from the combat in darkness, only to find that his way was blocked! Then did we hear the snarl of a child of Fenris Wolf, Morghen's pack totem. Fenris Wolf leapt at the dark horror, buying time for Morghen to withdraw to where the healers awaited, though Fenris Wolf was badly mauled before it, too, escaped. Finally, the darkness around Morgana, Marcus, and Falcon's Song dissipated, the creature fleeing. Morgana in her war form through Marcus in his homid form into the air, where he sliced the tendrils holding Samantha, freeing her. Their battle was now over.
In the center came what many thought would be the worst attack, and at first it seemed it would be. Rumbling up from out of the ground came a Thunderwyrm of moderate size, but one different, emanating a cold chill, whipping black tendrils about its mouth as it immediately moved to engage the Judges of the Dead and others. But the Judges and many of the others had faced such a thing before. Working as one, they pinned the tendrils to the earth, keeping the creature from using its full bulk, while those remaining pounded it into a writhing pulpy mass. It could not burrow. It could not escape. When it was done, they stood victorious and relatively unscathed.
So it seemed that the Wyrm had spent most of its strength. No new attacks seemed to come. The domes held by Weaver and Wyld spirits collapsed and, as predicted, Nigel and his companions unleashed a storm of pure energy, bolts of iridescent lightning streaking across the umbral sky and striking the Wyrm domes, making them glow a sullen red, then white hot. They collapsed, each one as with the sound of a thousand thunderclaps. Only then did the Garou hear the cries of danger from the direction of the Caern.
It seemed the Wyrm knew it would likely lose that day, so it sent a part of its strength, which might have served it better upon the main battlefield, to strike a blow most cruel. No, the Wyrm did not choose to attack the heart of the caern, for that was very well protected, and it knew that such an attack would be wasted. No, instead it decided to strike a blow at the hearts of Gaia's warriors. It struck at the cubs.
Fortunately, the cubs were not without defense. Even as the shadowed horrors attempted to get around those set to guard the cubs, the guardians wasted no time in leaping into the fray. The horrors that faced them were many, including simulacrums of Black Spiral Dancers and even a large Wyrm-ridden dragon of myth. Swinging claws and swords, biting with teeth, they fought a desperate holding action even as they cried for help and the rumbles of war came from the south.
Isolde Kelly was at the point of the attack, flanked by Paws-on-the-Wind and Nicolas Karpov. Amber Dragon tangled with one in the air, while Elainya and Brigid fought side-by-side. Leaping at the dragon-formed one was Gunnar Helmersson, whose own daughter was among the cubs, giving him an extra reason to fight hard.
All were doing their best, but it was clear that Isolde's forces were simply overmatched. She barked an order, I know not to whom, but they began to gather the cubs for a desperate attempt to break out of the circle of Wyrm forces attacking them, hoping to save as many as possible. Even as a second thing attacked Gunnar, and Amber Dragon fell, the earth began to tremble underneath them. Another Thunderwyrm wreathed in cold and darkness erupted from the earth, and it seemed as if death had finally come among them all.
But lo, then did Nicolas Karpov make his sacrifice. He had been nearly blinded in some battle before he came to us, and before the battle, he asked to perform the Rite of the Winter Wolf, so that he could go down fighting as a true warrior of Gaia. I granted him permission, as Master of Rites for our Sept, and the rite was done. Fulfilling his rite, he leapt into the maw of the Wyrm, claws swinging and teeth rending. Even as the acids began to eat through his coat, we heard him howl in triumph, a howl invoking the Wrath of Gaia. With this inside of it, the Wyrm attempted to flee in terror. So, though we lost Nicolas Karpov, his sacrifice was well timed.
One other sacrifice was made. Even as Nicolas was helping to drive away the Black Thunderwyrm, and even as the Silent Striders who had been involved in the main battle were arriving on feet as swift as wings, Gunnar Helmersson fought to the bitter end. I have heard his story, of how his wife was killed by those who hunt us for what we are, and of how he fled that place to protect his only child, a daughter of some 6 years old. Now he died to protect her from the last, being ripped apart by the twin monstrosities he faced. After gloating for a brief moment, they began to move in, only to be faced defiantly by a Black Fury cub, Beth Rips-Out-Heart-Cries-in-Anger. She stood before them in the Crinos form, ready to die if necessary, even as little Anna Gunnarsdottir watched the blood of her father pool under his limp form from behind Beth's massive legs.
Though Beth struck no blow, she gave the spirits just enough pause, distracted them at just the right moment, for they were suddenly set upon by Rhah Races-the-Sun, as he and the other Striders arrived to help. With their assistance, it was soon over, with the Wyrm spirits either dead or fleeing deep into the Umbra.
Still, this is not the end of our story. What of the War Pack from Sacred Rose, you ask? While most of them, the ones guarding Nigel and his companions even as they still congratulated themselves upon their victory, had not swung a blow that day, they perhaps won as great a victory as any. Drawn by the sudden outpouring of power from Nigel and his companions, quickly came the Goedel spirit, that servant of conundrum and paradox, along with his own companion, the escaped atomic spirit from the university. The Goedel was angry, for such displays of power disturb him, and he desired nothing but vengeance. However, swift action by Lucci Luciano sent the Goedel away, using his Gaia-given Gifts to make the Goedel flee. Unfortunately, as we have seen in the past, the Goedel does not take such flight lightly, and it took Lucci Luciano with him. I have heard he returned from wherever he was sent, but that he will not speak of his time there, and he seems somehow different. Even still, there was the powerful Atomic spirit to deal with. Here the wisdom of Theurges and Elders was borne out. Moon-in-the-Wind, Makes-Hearts-Light, and Arjuna Seeks-the-Sun managed to speak to the Atomic spirit, and find out what it wanted. It wanted to be free. Thinking quickly and well, they offered to take it to a place where it could be free forever, and without danger of being tainted by the Wyrm. It agreed, and so they took it to Hyperion himself, the burning orb in the sky, to join his brothers and sisters in Hyperion's brood.
So this was the end of the battle. As the weary and wary forces gathered back at the Caern, Skadi declared that though there would be a revel, there would be no serious settling of any disputes or grievances between the Garou, for such had been brewing between some for awhile. She said it would dishonor the dead, and in this I agree with her.
The revel lasted long into the night before our visitors departed. Many good things were seen of so many tribes and auspices working together. It was good to see the cameraderie of packs, so many of which were gathered that day. It was good for me to be among my own again, though I was still recovering from my time trapped between life and death. Simply put, it was a victory that heartened us all, and gave us strength to go on.
And in that, perhaps, is the lesson Gaia wished to teach us. We took wounds, but our blood has protected our sacred mother. We lost two valiant Garou, but their loss has given us the strength to go on, and most directly protected the future of our people. It was a glorious day to defeat minions of the Wyrm, but one also full of honor, in the defending of the innocent, and wisdom, in the solving of a conflict where none were harmed. Even in our losses, we gained strength. Even in the shedding of blood, we kept honor. Even in the planning of war, there was the wisdom of peace.
Think upon it, Garou of the Nation. It is a lesson hard won, and should never be lost.
I now make the final call I will make of those who died, so that their souls may now rest and pass on to Gaia, as the Rite of the Departed dictates. Let Gunnar Helmersson Anvil-of-Pain-Where-Breaks-the-Wyrm be always remembered as Defends-the-Cubs. Let Nicolas Karpov be always remembered as Thunderwyrm's-Bane.
I remain the faithful servant of the Nation,
May Gaia smile upon us all and bless this humble servant,
Anubis Doomspeaker Wind-of-Death
Born of woman under the waning gibbous-moon
Harbinger of the Silent Striders
Accorded an Elder by the Garou Nation
Alpha of the Judges of the Dead
Master of Rites and Eldest Galliard of the Crystal Lotus
As Gaia wills, so too shall it be.