Kitchen Towels, Cats, and Life in a Pineapple

Jan 29, 2005 10:49

Before we get to the interesting stuff: I'm still looking for people to take part in the kitchen towel exchange. Comment here with your email address if you're interested.

Boxer's Rebellion
A story from about Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif. and her (delightfully) stubborn refusal to roll over and play dead ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

burkeonthesly January 29 2005, 16:01:07 UTC
Woo! I'm almost tempted to move to Boxer's district in California. Then I remember to take my sanity pills.

Speaking of Bert and Ernie, you don't often see Bert anymore, and Ernie just in that stupid segment where he's in a box. Yet again, the right-wing corporations put their conservative stranglehold on unfortunate characters.


thegeekgoddess January 29 2005, 16:18:14 UTC
*sigh* I bet kids today don't even know the "rubber ducky" song...


wiccatcat January 29 2005, 17:14:57 UTC
You have to wonder if the idiot who wrote that about cats realizes that true evil lives in the hearts of men. He or she definitely qualifies. Maybe we should stone him/her?


thegeekgoddess January 29 2005, 17:16:32 UTC
Eh, they'd never accept it, 'cause of the whole "without sin" thing. And since I at least am Pagan I'm not without sin in their eyes, they'd just come back as undead to get me.


kimberlychapman January 29 2005, 17:36:35 UTC
I shall go find my fake beard. :D


kimberlychapman January 29 2005, 17:41:53 UTC
When I heard the Boxer clips on NPR last week, I cheered.

You know what this country needs? Parliament-style Question Period. I'd like to see a Bushite withstand even five minutes of Question Period.

"Would the right honourable President please explain to us why his head is so far up his arse? Thank you." :D

As for your interest list, it all seems quite sensible to me which is why I friended you in the first place! :) You are the first person with this meme that has absolutely *nothing* on your interest list that I haven't at least heard of, or know something about. So how about this: I'll ask a specific question about a general item. What are your favourite gemstones and why?


thegeekgoddess January 29 2005, 21:14:09 UTC
My favorite gemstones...well, I love amethysts. They're purple, which is my favorite color, and when they're nearby I feel much calmer. I like florite, because of the variety of ways the clear, green, and purple meld together. I love garnets because they're such a gorgeous rich red color. I like all kinds of quartz because they're so sparkly and lovely.


kimberlychapman January 30 2005, 09:17:17 UTC
For my birthday in 2003, my husband got me a set of amethyst RPG dice because I love amethysts too. :)


thegeekgoddess January 31 2005, 01:09:40 UTC
Ooh, I've been wanting those. I got the copper ones this year for Christmas from my parents. :)


wiccatcat January 29 2005, 18:33:44 UTC
I really didn't get to say all I wanted to on the cat thing (my hubby was wanting to see if he'd gotten an email about an ebay auction). I've had time to cool off some, just not much. That sort of point of view is so infuriating. I mean, do you think this individual owns a dog? They lick themselves in "inappropriate areas" & make an unfenced female in heat look like the neighborhood harlot. I don't think these views are at all what Christianity is about, but at the same time they are what ruin it for those who were raised as Christians. I actually had a friend who believed that Halloween was evil. I debated the subject with her. One of her comebacks was, "Well then, what does 'hallow' mean? I had gotten aggravated with her, got her a dictionary & told her to look it up. After she found it, she quickly changed the subject. I am somewhat undecided about my religion, but paganism is more & more appealing due to Christian ignorance. I like everything about the Wiccan beliefs - especially that there don't seem to be so many hipocrits like ( ... )


thegeekgoddess January 29 2005, 21:18:29 UTC
No fears, you haven't offended me. I know what it's like to get so frustrated with people.

Re: hypocrits in Paganism, I fear there are a few. While I don't know them personally, I've seen them (in message boards and letters to the editor columns): Pagans who think their path is the only "right" path and that all others need not apply.

There are more purposefully ignorant people in the Craft, though, I think. I call them "fluffy bunnies". They're the ones who watch movies like Hocus Pocus, buy a giant pentacle necklace, and books like 500 Spells to Turn Your Boyfriend into a Sex Slave and think they're all that and a bag of organic corn chips. These are also the ones who tend to think they're reincarnated High Priestesses from Atlantis. :P

But the great thing about Paganism? You don't have to associate yourself with the aforementioned idiots. At all. ;)


burkeonthesly January 30 2005, 00:07:01 UTC
After all, courtesy of the Christians, the word "Pagan" doesn't really refer to one specific religion the way it once did. Rather, by their careless application of the word to anything not theirs, they've made it more of a category (which on the plus side means that, under some definitions, Pagans really do outnumber Christians!), into which Goddess-worshipping monotheisms, polytheisms of any sort, and on a clear day agnostics and atheists have all been lumped.

Come to think of it, we've taken that word back, sort of the way the gay community has reinterpreted a few of the epithets slung their way. Bring it, fundies! We've got superior vocabulary skills on our side, and we're not afraid to use them!


burkeonthesly January 30 2005, 00:11:21 UTC
Addendum: So, to avoid the Pagans with whom you'd rather not associate, and with whose proclaimed beliefs you really don't want to get tangled, you can just say "oh, they're into that other kind of Paganism." No harm, no foul. They go on their way, you go on yours, and I scare random passerby.


wiccatcat January 30 2005, 00:42:04 UTC
I'ts nice to know that there are sources who can help to further educate me on this. I tend to agree with burkeonthesly about not hating anyone because of their religion. The problems come in with extremists, such as the one with his/her cat preaching. I don't like to have other's beliefs pushed on me & that is all this person was doing. As well as turning any little thing in the Bible into something that it isn't necessarily. My view is that the Bible can be loosely interpreted to meet your needs (comfort through grief, help through difficult times, etc.), but this was absolutely absurd. BTW, I'd almost like to know what PETA or the Humane Society would think about some of the "suggestions".
I've got to stop on that subject. I wanted to say "Thank you" for making me feel so welcome. It really is very sweet of you. You literally brightened my day.


thegeekgoddess January 30 2005, 01:20:27 UTC
You're very welcome! *hugs*


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