(no subject)

Oct 16, 2005 21:54

1. Your name: becky
2. Do you like your name?: when i was little i wanted to change it, but now i like it. it's all-american
3. If not, what would you change it to?: --
4. Your age: 21
5. Do you wish you were younger/older?: 21 is good
6. If so, what age, and how come?: --
7. What school are you going to?: keene state high school. whoops, i mean college
8. Where is that school located?: one guess
9. Do you get along with your parents?: for the most part. my mommy bought me wine today
10. Do you get along with your siblings: usually

11. Do you have a best friend?: why, miss kristen of course 
12. Why is that person your best friend?: can you say romy and michele?
13. By the way, who is this person?: see above
14. Do you trust your friends?: i dont associate with people i dont trust
15. Who is one person that you could totally tell anything to?: al kristen and chelsea
16. Name one person that you used to be friends with, that you wish you could be friends with now: michael coflesky
17. Why did that friendship end?: circumstance
18. What qualites do you like that your friends have?: trustworthy, and i can be myself
19. Do you think you have good friends?: the best
20. If you could give your best friend (or closest friend) one thing, what would it be?: everything

21. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: ayup
22. What is their name?: alfred anthony beyer, jr
23. Are you seeing anyone?: --
24. What is their name?: --
25. Do you have a crush on anyone?: my boyfriend
26. What is their name? --
27. If any of the questions are answered, why do you like the person you are with/have a crush on?: hes sweet and funny and smart and cute and treats me like a princess.
28. Do they have any qualities, that you would like to have for yourself?: having him is enough
29. How much time do you like to spend with them?: im going to marry him someday
30. Were they your friend before you started dating/liking them?: didnt have time

31. Color?: red
32. Shampoo?: i like the way garnier fructis smells, but its horrible for my hair
33. Deodarant?: old spice pure sport
34. Actor?: antonio banderas
35. Actress?: ashley judd
36. Sandwich?: meat
37. Bread?: white
38. Animal?: hippopotamus
40. Food?: tacos

**Either or**
41. White or Dark Chocolate?: chocolates chocolate
42. Stuffed Animal or Blanket?: brown bear
43. Waterbed or regular matress?: Regular
44. Morning or Night?: for sex? both please!
45. Disney or Nick?: Disney
46. Scary or Comedy?: since most "scary" movies arent scary, comedy
47. Get up early or sleep the day away?: sleep, but the dog gets up at the ass crack of dawn, and if i dont want her to pee on the carpet, so do i 
49. Phone or Internet?: phone. you can tell alot about a person by their voice 
50. Garlic or French bread?: Garlic

**With or Without**
Subject: Hamburger
51. Lettuce?: ew
52. Mustard?: double ew
53. Ketchup?: always
54. Mayo?: heart attack in a jar, i say
55. Onions?: no thank you

Subject: Perfect date
57. Guy/Gal with braces?: am i in 8th grade?
58. Candles?: well, what are we doing? becuase if were at dinner, then sure. but if we're playing basketball, what the fuck would we need candles for?
59. Food?: i dont really care, as long as they feed me and it doesnt give me gas
60. Sporty car?: as long as it runs, and doesnt look like an 80 year old woman should be driving it, im cool

**Yes or No**
61. Live with your parents?: i live with my boyfriend. but sometimes i miss living with my parents...
62. Want to live with your parents?: i miss free food and clothes that became clean when i said, "mommy, have you seen my ______"
63. Have a car?: sort of....its registered in my name, but i cant drive it.
64. Want a car?: yes please
65. Would you do the "Survior" show?: as long as i was guaranteed to get endorsement deals after
66. Would you spend some money on your little/older sibling(s) if you had $1000?: yeah...theyre both almost as poor as i am. plus, widget doesnt eat enough
67. Would you eat earthworms if your life depended on it?: in kindergarten, i ate one for a dollar. too bad kindergarteners dont have a dollar....
68. Would you take a bullet for some of your friends?: in a heartbeat
69. Do you think that your friends would take a bullet for you?: id like to think they would, but i think only al would actually do it
70. Do you wish you were famous?: sometimes, but i dont think id like people butting into my personal life all the time

71. Why do you think the moon revolves around the earth?: im going to say i know, and then remind everyone that we watched Anaconda alot in earth and space
72. Why was Einstien considered a genius?: cause he did a bunch of math that no one else got
73. Why do some people spend so much time making these stupid surveys?: boredom
74. Why do some people spend so much time filling out these stupid surveys?: Boredom
75. Why do you enjoy the company of your friends?: Yes
76. Why are some people accused of "chewing like a cow?: because its loud and gross
78. Why when you leave the door open, are you asked if you were raised in a barn?: barn doors get left open alot. plus, really poor redneck people tend to leave the screen door hanging open on their houses
79. Why do women complain so much about the seat being left up, and guys don't complain when the seat is down?: because guys know that they could pee with the seat down, theyre just too lazy to aim. (i know this for a fact, i live with a man)
80. Why do most Americans spend most of their day sitting, and then complain that they are over weight?: laziness is a disease

81. Does your grandma still pinch your cheeks?: my grandmas dead, thanks for asking
82. Has any of your relatives bought you clothing that you despised, but you wore, just so they wouldn't be insulted?: my mom used to buy me stuff that wasnt horrible, it just wasnt my style
83. What nick names did you develop from your relatives?: from my relatives? i dont think i want to know...
84. Which relative could you consider "cool"?: all of the garfields
85. Can you really say that you would go in public with some of your relatives and NOT be embarrassed?: i used to look forward to partying with my cousin todd...his friends are hot
86. Do you have any embarrassing home videos that your relatives have threatened to show on your wedding day?: no one has threatened to show any on my wedding day, but can you say "Picki Rake"?
87. When you started dating people, did the baby pics come out of the closet?: i cant say that they did...however, my dad has perfect his subtle, do you go to college and what are you going to do with your life interrogation.
88. Have you ever been to a family reunion?: thanksgiving anyone?
89. What is the most embarrassing moment that you have encountered with your relatives?: possibly the first time i wore a bikini around them, or when i got really drunk at my cousins wedding and danced with the guy who has "more money than god". ooh, and we cant forget todds graduation party....
90. Do you have a favorite relative?: Yes

**Friends Part 2**
91. Do your friends stand differently in your mind?: what does that mean exactly?
92. What does "hanging out" consist of?: whatever, yo
93. How many close friends do you have?: i can count em on one hand
94. Do you have one ultimate BEST friend?: get out your yearbook, flip to the superlatives, and see who was voted class inseperables. and yes, she is jumping on me
95. Why do you consider that person your best friend?: "maybe we should try having sex jsut to see if we're lesbians" "gross! but if we're not married by the time we're thirty, ask me again"
96. If you are "taken" at the moment, do you consider your significant other as one of your close friends?: the best
97. If you have a crush at the moment, is this person one of your close friends?: i have a crush on my boyfriend
98. Do you believe that a relationship will last longer if the person is one of your close friends?: i think its based more on the two people than on their history...ive had some really close guy friends who would have made horrible boyfriends
99. What is one thing that attracts you to the opposite sex?: eyes
100. Are you thankful for your friends?: every day
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