Hi -- I just discovered this community by accident and I can't tell you how thrilled I am to find it. As it would happen, I play Tonks in
an RPG and we've got a really great Bill/Tonks ship going there, mostly started by me. I haven't gotten around to writing any fic based on my own views of how they got together but I think they're an awesome
Comments 10
I honestly thought I was the *only* Bill/Tonks shipper out there -- this is way cool.
I like my Bill that I play with. Tonks amuses me. She tries to be sexy and fails horribly. :D
My Tonks can be sexy when she wants but I play her (and write her) as a bit of a tom boy who can't be bothered with being girlie most of the time and gets very confused by it. Luckily Bill loved her/is attracted to her for more than just the physical stuff although she does drive him crazy sometimes.
Which RPG do you play her in?
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