As the new year is fast approaching, I figured everyone could use a few more friends for the coming year! This is a small general meme, trying to focus more on personality as opposed to simply listing favorites. I find that similar qualities in people tend to work better than just liking the same shows.
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Name: journey
Age: 27
Location: boston, ma
Beliefs (political/religious/etc.): radical-leaning feminist / lesbian / vegetarian sums it up.
Describe yourself in a few sentences: honestly the answer preceding this is a pretty fair summary! but although i have very strong beliefs and opinions and enjoy thinking, i also don't like to be serious alllll the time. i like lighthearted fun and fluff. i am married, and work as an executive assistant to a horrible boss currently.
Anything you identify strongly with?: i strongly identify with containing multitudes. i am a ravenclaw/slytherin, virgo/libra cusp, and enfp/entj.
Anything you'd like to add? i am the crazy cat lady.
Your hobbies/interests: reading (mostly ya), writing (poetry occasionally), binge watching crime shows on netflix, hanging out with our cats, and i also hand make perfumes!
Fandoms: i'm not terribly active in any fandoms, but ones that interest me or i've been active in the past: harry potter, criminal minds, once upon a time, avatar/korra, sailor moon ( ... )
We share a few fandoms like OUAT and Harry Potter, and my journal is not a fandom one at all, so I think we'd get along well.
Want to try being friends? c:
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