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Comments 23

annstarlett October 7 2005, 16:18:28 UTC
i've taken shit for being different too.i've got tattoos (i've been looked at like shit, as if i was a piece of crap, by some older dude at school. he was acting all disgusted, telling his friends how he didn't understand, how this wasn't meant to happen, bla bla bla. fuck you. i love my ink.) coloured hair in the past, piercings (at work, this was so amazing. i worked with my dad...so the bosses just came and looked at my stretched ears and said "eww, what's that? your dad isn't happy about this, isn't he?" fuck you. i love my stretched ears), and not just physical appearance, but the way i am too ( ... )


annstarlett October 7 2005, 16:21:02 UTC
and, i'd add, that i truly feel i am a better person than those who judge me.
is that wrong?


thegirlversion October 7 2005, 16:33:23 UTC
No. I know I am a better person. Period, end of sentence.


thegirlversion October 7 2005, 16:32:46 UTC
Exactly. I think its amusing that this post revealed what the community is all about: a bunch of people with so little self-esteem and confidence that they feel the need to laugh and make fun of everyone else in order to validate themselves. It should just be called "lets mock out people who aren't like us".


Sister, we will soldier on with our ink and our hair and our piercings and our makeup and clothes and our attitude and we will NEVER STOP LIVING.
They will never stop us.


theyuck October 7 2005, 17:28:14 UTC
I have to admit that bad-tattoos is one of my guilty pleasures, however, I completely agree with you're saying here. I'm generally not too big on the unfair comments in that community, like calling people fat or ugly or remarks on their stretch-marks, etc. That said, bad_tattoos is all about making fun of people, I mean that is it's main purpose. It's sophomoric, stupid, and just plain old mean, but that is it's purpose. The community has to be taken with a grain of salt ( ... )


thegirlversion October 7 2005, 17:44:02 UTC
I understand where your coming from but that was not the point of that thread on bad_tattoos. The point was to mock her out and put her down because they didn't personally like what she had done. It was not playful teasing it was saying it was disgusting and scary and completely different from some funny commentary on how a tattoo is poorly executed ( ... )


theyuck October 7 2005, 18:09:20 UTC
I'm totally with you there, that thread (and most others)went way out of hand and the whole community often times absolutely reeks with comments like "retard" and "fag", "or "ewww! that girl has armpit hair gross!" and I really can't stand that. I also don't like the idea of posting someone's face without their permission. As I said, their are a lot of extremely nasty things about that community that really shine a light on the problems with our culture. But unfortunately for me (and probably for many others) it's like rubber-necking a car wreck, or eating too much candy, or watching crappy tv. It's like indulging in something you know is terribly unhealthy and goes against everything you stand for. It's very bad, and it proves how weak some of us can be. I go in there knowing that sometimes that is all I'm gonna see, and I wish it didn't exist, but it does. To be honest, I actually have no idea why I'm defending it. I guess I wish it were more like an MC battle, you know?


thegirlversion October 7 2005, 19:02:07 UTC
Its my personal worldview that I try as absolutely hard as I can to not partake in stuff like that and try to work against it because unlike eating candy or watching infomercials, mocking people out is something that can really hurt other people. I guess I am extreme in this in that I really truly try to not behave this way, not in real life, not online. I am not a "kidder" nor have I ever been one. I have never been a person to put others down, when I was young I was the one that everyone else put down, and I'm not one of these pretty, rich kids whining that they were the geek but they were really actually very popular, I WAS that geek, I was the loser, the weirdo, the freak ( ... )


bunnycaper October 7 2005, 18:19:38 UTC
You are my hero.
I hate that attitude.
I think, in some sense, that being a snobbish hipster is very simliar to being a part of Rachel McAdams' clique in Mean Girls. Just with different taste in music and fashion. They dictate where the coolest bars are, what the coolest records are... and people follow.
It really bothers me that a mentality like that would exist in a community (the punk rock one) whose roots are Elvis Costello, Talking Heads, and the Clash. Geez, David Byrne was (and still is) admired for his bizarre fashion, musical influences, etc. I am all for people finding their own way through creative expression.


theyuck October 7 2005, 18:31:33 UTC
I think that this is an excellent point. Someone posted wondering whether or not "sacred heart" type tattoos were becoming cliche. Many people said yes, but then many others said (and I was heartened by this) does it really matter what other people think as long as YOU like it? I swear to you guys that not everyone posting on that community is a jerk, really.


thegirlversion October 7 2005, 19:12:54 UTC
I wonder if anyone is reading all my long comments but anyway, I have been doing some reading on traditional tattoos and I think the whole concept of cliche is ridiculous. Way back in the 20's that's seriously all people got, nautical stars and ships and daggers and sacred hearts and blue birds of happiness etc. etc. etc. And they weren't all up in each other's grill about being original or cliche! They didn't care! In fact, a lot of people from the 20's and 30's all have popeye tattoos! Its kind of the mickey mouse of that era. I just think its dumb to write a whole tradition of tattooing because a bunch of people have the same thing, albiet in various interpretations.


laxiola October 7 2005, 19:45:33 UTC
may sacred hearts and the blue bird of happiness live on in tattoo form forever! there are good reasons why the classics never die. seriously, who cares if some hipster-wannabe thinks it's cliche? you know what they say about opinions.


angelaf78 October 7 2005, 19:05:51 UTC
Dude, the first thing that popped into my head when I clicked the link was,"Cool, this girl is unique and creative.Now, where is the bad piercing??". I admit, I don't know much about facial peircings. But yeah, it's wrong to judge people like that. Especially when they don't know her. It's not like she went on the site and posted pics of herself.

I praise anyone like that, and you too.


calimel October 7 2005, 19:35:27 UTC
I don't see anything wrong with her piercing. Since it was on the bad tattoo site, I actually for a second thought that she had gotten her eyebrows tat'd on. Which ya..that would have been kinda bad,because no one needs to be stuck with eyebrows like that for thier whole entire life.
(I'm not a fan of tattoo makeup. But that's just me.)

Her eyebrows kinda do scare me. But I realize that she is going for a theatrical look with them, and probably doesn't wear them that way every single day. Most people who spend that much time on their makeup, view it as an art, and change it constantly.
Generally online communities tend to be bitchier than in RL, because you don't have to save face. So I tend to just ignore things like that group.


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