4 things I should be doing...
1: applying for jobs
2: getting all the clothes off my floor
3: cleaning my green room
4: enjoying the start of spring
4 things that remind me of the person I love
1: treacle tart
2: red & gold
3: scars
4: glasses
4 restaurants I like to eat out at...
1: tqr
2: amarin thai
3: zuma's
4: sizzler
4 names I like...
1: jamie
2: matilda
3: violet
4: lydia
4 websites I recently visited...
1: notalwaysright.com
2: mylifeisaverage.com
3: facebook
4: neopets.com
4 things I don't like to drink...
1: beer
2: wine
3: passiona
4: luke warm water
4 colors that look great...
1: silver
2: gold
3: black
4: yellow
4 personality traits that appeal to me...
1: humour
2: intelligence
3: an inclination to compromise
4: open minded
4 bands/artists I -used- to like that I don't anymore...
1: the kooks, partly because i got sick of them and partly because they were crap at southbound
2: muse. well, i liked starlight.
3: i can't think of any more...
4: ...
4 bands/artists I like now...
1: jamie t
2: calvin harris
3: florence and the machine
4: la roux
4 languages that are cool/I wish I could speak...
1: swedish
2: french
3: that african one with the clicks
4: noongar
4 games I like to play...
1: neopets
2: cluedo
3: cheat
4: monarchs of england
4 random facts about me...
1: i like to put food colouring in things i cook
2: i'm 165 cm tall
3: i have two cats
4: my internet connection is very tenuous
4 random facts about my mum...
1: she's banned me from buying shoes (so i hide them)
2: she hates shopping
3: she cannot have caffiene. she goes mental
4: she loves cake
4 of the last texts I received...
1: aleena saying she'll see me around
2: aleena saying she can't go out, she has too much uni stuff
3: chelsey asking if i'm going out
4: aleena asking if i'm going out
4 songs I know by heart...
1: happy birthday
2: 3 national anthems (& harmonies)
3: 2 school songs
4: and god knows how many more (i realised the other day that i knew all the words to a good charlotte song and i have no idea how i learnt them)
4 things I want to buy...
1: tickets to josh thomas
2: tickets to southbound
3: tickets to bdo
4: something shiny
4 instruments that are awesome...
1: bugle
2: steel drum
3: harpsichord
4: kazoo
4 things people do that I hate...
1: put "and heaps more" at the end of their music section on myspazz. quality, not quantity
2: say "i don't really watch tv". LIARS!
3: wear those "team edward" and "team jacob" t-shirts and mean it
4: post cryptic and sympathy seeking facebook statuses
4 things I don't like about my family...
1: we have the ranga gene
2: some of them are weirdly religious
3: we don't see each other enough
4: alot of them are taller than me
4 things I wish I could say to people right now...
1: people do call you a slut and it's because you're a slut. stop hooking up with people you're not interested in.
2: get me something nice from dubai, bunny
3: we miss you but we're proud of you
4: seriously?
4 objects that start with the last letter of my first name...
1: exhibition
2: elbow
3: end table
4: exoskeleton
4 amazing animals...
1: cats
2: bunnys
3: kakapos
4: quokka
4 things I could spend all day doing...
1: sitting
2: reading
3: sleeping
4: playing with my cat
4 things I do not look forward to...
1: moving out
2: grandpa dying
3: a really hot summer
4: work
4 people I can say basically anything to...
1: em
2: sooty
3: anna
4: jot
4 things I wish I could change about myself...
1: height
2: make my feet smalled
3: and my legs longer
4: and my eyesight better
4 things I love about myself...
1: my hair
2: my impressive general knowledge
3: ability to beat the detectives in novels
4: my cats
4 things I am afraid of...
1: wolves and dogs
2: my bosses
3: my car breaking down in the outback (damn you, wolf creek)
4: mice
4 ridiculously terrible/stupid movies I would never watch again...
1: troy
2: the reaping
3: australia!
4: freddy got fingered
4 foods that I've tried but disliked...
1: anything almond based
2: tongue
3: pate
4: spinich
4 swear words I use the most...
1: bugger
2: fuck
3: shit
4: wank
4 of my favorite body/facial parts...
1: forearms
2: tits
3: ears
4: back
4 names of pets I've had...
1: raj
2: sooty
3: pinto
4: augustus
4 languages I can count up to ten in...
1: italian
2: french
3: japanese
4: english
4 books that I love...
1: gaudy night
2: persuasion
3: haroun and the sea of stories
4: harry potter
4 moments I would love to relive but not redo...
1: singing ave maria in villier-brettanoux
2: singing in the mass at st marks cathedral
3: franz ferdinand at southbound
4: our music graduation performance
from killahdillah