01) cried for someone? nopee
02) had a true kiss? yeah i gues
03) fallen in love? eh.
04) been heartbroken? eh.
05) missed someone? yes´m
06) been afraid to love? hah wtf
07) lost someone you care? nopee
08) broken someone's heart? nope
09) played anyone? nope
10) been played? nope
11) gotten down on your knees for someone? uhh..probly when i was little and wantd a toy or somthin
12) pictured how it is to love someone? no..¿
01) longest relationship? never had a GF before.
02) shortest relationship? none
03) best kiss ever? lindsay..shes probly the best
04) funniest kiss? lauren..just cuz
05) who would you never want to lose? :X
06) who do you regret losing? ..a few people i gues.. idk
07) Who is your hubby? whats that
08) biggest thing you fear? dieing for somthing stupid liek slipping and breaking your head on teh counter
01) IMed? matt
02) talked on the phone with? i cant even remmeber
03) saw? my mom
04) had a serious talk with? i still cantt memberrr
05) made cry? no one ever
06) made laugh? the world
07) yelled at? my mom
08) cussed at? idk..peter?
09) thought of? kelly bryant cuz i was watching pirates of the carribean
01) makes you laugh? my frineds
02) makes you cry? no one
03) is a true friend? nick
04) is weird? alott of kids in my school
06) likes you? girls dont like me.
01) favorite song(s)? alot
02) favorite word? boobies
03) place want to be? homee
04) are you open-minded? sure
05) rain or sun? sunn
06) winter or summer? summer
07) love or hate? hahah
08) one moment you'll never forget? nick walking with his pants down and his mom pulling up
09) future career? assasin
10) Kids or no kids? kidss
11) Cat or dog? dog
12) Half empty or half full? empty
13) Mustard or ketchup? ketch
14) Hard cover books or soft cover books? books are soo gay
15) Newspaper or magazine? magazines
16) Sandals or sneakers? sneaks
17) Wonder or amazement? amazmenetter¿
18) Red car or white car? white
19) Happy & poor or sad & rich? happy and rich
20) Singing or dancing? none
21) Hugging or kissing? idk..i like kissing girls.
22) Happy or sad? happy
24) Blondes, brunettes? brunettes
25) 2 doors or 4 (on a car): 4
26) Coffee or ice cream: ice
27) Shampoo or conditioner: conddish
28) Bridges or tunnels: tunns
29) One pillow or two: 2
30) Pierce your nose or tongue? tongue
31) Be serious or be funny? funny
32) Drink whole or skim milk? milk is hte worst thing ever
33) Simple or complicated? simple.
34) Flowers or angels? flowers i gues i dont know
35) Grey or gray? what
36) Color or black-&-white photos? color
37) Lust or love: lust
38) Sunrise or sunset? sunset
39) M&Ms or Skittles? skittles
40) Rap or rock? rock
41) Staying up late or waking up early? staying up late
42) tv or radio? tv
43) Xanga or Livejournal? i perfer google.com
44) Apples or oranges? oranges
45) Being hot or cold? hot
46) Tall members of the opposite sex? ..no
47) Sun or moon? mooooon
48) Emeralds or rubies? the hell¿
49) Left or right? right
50) Having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 best friend
51) Making love or having sex? hahah
52) Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? vanil
53) Boys or girls? chicks
54) Green beans or carrots? neither
55) Low fat or fat free? neither
56) cute or sexy? cute
57) lips or eyes? eyes
58) short or tall? short i geuse
59) Curvy/Fat or skinny? skiny
60) Sappy or straightforward? what
61) Predictable or spontaneous? spon
62) Sensitive or indifferent? .hmm.. inbetween the two.
63) Do you have a crush? nopee unfortunatltyl.. o wait.. actualy i do..kinda
64) Who is it? :X
65) Are you guys together? nope
66) If so, how long has it been? 94387 years
67) What is it that attracts you to him/her? shes cute.
68) Where do you want to live? anywere
70) What kind of job do you want? adsfadf
71) Do you want to get married? yeah i geus
72) 1 second ago: this?
73) 1 minute ago: this?
74) 1 hour ago: movie
75) 1 day ago: seans garage
76) 1 week ago: here
77) 1 month ago: homeeeee
78) 1 year ago: school?
79) I hurt: .. my head?
80) I like: boobs
81) I love: boobs
82) I hate: school
83) I feel: boobs
84) I hide: ..ok seroiusly wtf
85) I drive: my car
86) I learned: nothing
87) I wait: what hte hell
88) I will: adf
89) I miss: everything
90) I want: YOU
93)Clothes: shorts, beater, white T
94)Mood: bored
95)Music: random cds
96)Desktop Picture: me as a young child
97)Favorite Show: hmmm....i dont really know.
98)Refreshment: juice