Hi, Andrew. I'm Anastasia and I found your blog running a community search for gay pride. feel_proud_2_b was one of the first comms listed; after reading the comm info, I felt it best to ask you before joining and posting anything.
My cousin Mónica is doing a study for a class at the Pontificia Universidad Católica in Peru to show colleagues that there are no weirdos--when it comes to love, people more or less wish for the same things, regardless of sexual orientation. If you are interested in taking this survey or putting it out there for others to take, we'd greatly appreciate it! Otherwise, I apologize for taking up your time and thank you kindly for reading this message.
Sorry to get back to you so late, but things have become more hectic than usual for me. You are pretty much allowed to post anything as long as it does not go against the rules of the group. If you feel it does not then by all means post the request.
Comments 3
My cousin Mónica is doing a study for a class at the Pontificia Universidad Católica in Peru to show colleagues that there are no weirdos--when it comes to love, people more or less wish for the same things, regardless of sexual orientation. If you are interested in taking this survey or putting it out there for others to take, we'd greatly appreciate it! Otherwise, I apologize for taking up your time and thank you kindly for reading this message.
Thank you so much--late is better than never, right? ;)
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