I have yet to see it... being out of the country has large to do with it, and I'm planning on seeing it at some point during my trip home. Maybe we can get together for this... it'll probably be beginning July sometime... if you can wait that long. :)
Oh, I can certainly wait that long, but the trouble with July is that I'm moving back up to Ottawa.
I have classes starting on the 4th. After that I can only really do Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. And of course TT weekend wouldn't work. If your schedule can work with mine, great! Otherwise I'll have to make other plans.
I want to see it again, but as I (very willingly!) shelled out $100 for the first ticket I can only justify a second go if it's at super discount price. Plus I'll be waiting for Lyn to come back for her visit. ^_^
I'm happy enough to see it on the cheap. Looks like only $26 for the crap seats. The mid range ones might be better though... I figure I'll probably go with whatever the consensus is.
Comments 10
Maybe we can get together for this... it'll probably be beginning July sometime... if you can wait that long. :)
I have classes starting on the 4th. After that I can only really do Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. And of course TT weekend wouldn't work. If your schedule can work with mine, great! Otherwise I'll have to make other plans.
Will do!
i'd love to see it but i want to see spamaot more. and finances are tight-ish but if the tickets are cheap....maybe?
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