Guess what I am total doing stuff ovver here and I looking at the creamm in . Crap I don't know awh at i just d said . WOOT WOT WOOT she sho t/ I like cable tv it feeds my brain. Josh works all day lokng long. Wati. shit shi thist
Woot woot! There will be some gigs for bizarro coming up so I will keep people posted. So you mother fuckers can show up. THere will be a EMP gig that everyone needs to come to.
Oh yeah people should come to the gig on saturday at 7 oclock and the penny cafe. Afterwords i will invite some people back to my house to have my birthday party. (Jessamyn i have your X-mas present for you) anyways hope to see you there. And hope that the people that come bring lots of cute girls I don't know that I can make an ass of myself too.